Joseph Edward Bonnette ::: 763-401-0137.    

please text before calling (and explain reason for contacting me) so I can add your name and number to my contacts.    ___


✝️   CRUCIFIXION SHOCKWAVE 1st edition: JEREMIAH 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds,

for the most detailed shroud photos available,                   ////

please pray for in all these areas such as improvement of this website and getting the 72GB shroud image (as described on the above link) and also that if God wills I get all "my needs" met, which also INCLUDES that the world gets their needs met, since I'm a part of it: and especially the HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH. GALATIANS 6:10:: As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

God-is-the-only-power ROMANS13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

my website == explaining various images as found on the SHROUD OF TURIN, and it is illustrations made by God depicting various Bible verses, NOT JUST IN THE GOSPELS, but showing the supernatural 3 main temples of the TRINITY, (JEHOVAH, JESUS & MICHAEL THE ANGEL,) plus revealing the appearance of Satan 1st in his present appearance then 2nd in the lake of fire. ==I also explain the theology that I developed over my lifetime so far on the doctrine of the Trinity, and how scripture explains these truths. I made some recent important advancements in my understanding of the whole GODHEAD of the 3 persons, and this is my primary focus =(1COR:2:2:) "to be determined to know nothing but Jesus and him crucified." -- I also explain why it is important to know these things, (beyond the obvious which is to know our God and his Son and the Holy Spirit.) DANIEL 11:32:: And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.


The cross is the bride of Christ which Jesus died upon and married "while we were yet sinners," ROMANS 5:8::: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. --- and the nails are the bonds that make Christ and the church unified as "one new man." EPH2:15-16::: Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; --And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: -- This cross was made by Gerald Stanley Bonnette my dad sometime before 1961

One of the most difficult things, and in some ways the most difficult thing of all is reciting Revelation, because Satan doesn't want it, and hates it more than anything else. Your thinking this can't be true is ALSO one of his tactics. If you think I am wrong, try it on a regular basis, or even start on reciting 1 VERSE a day only. Even since posting this I have already encountered a BIG SLOWDOWN in my reciting of it, and can hardly get through a SINGLE DAY, because Satan was unhappy that I posted this before, and now on this website. I will need to adjust now to the new spiritual opposition. I noticed that with every sharing of the gospel, comes a new challenge to "bring my body into subjection to not become a castaway"= meaning, - from God. The more you try to bring others to God, the greater your resistance against Satan must become. 

It is said in REVELATION 1:3 “blessed is he that reads,” the word blessed is Greek which means same. The idea behind this is the statement “you are (same) what you eat.” The Greek word for “word of this prophecy” is logos. It means this word (revelation) but also throughout scripture is “engrafted” JAMES-1:21 to the logos himself, which is why it is the “living word.” REVELATION is like the Lord’s supper in a way, (but not the actual Lord’s supper but a way to prepare for it) because it says “this is Jesus Christ,” REV 1:1 not represent him but it “IS” him. This sacramental word of Jesus it says was “given to him by his Father,” REV1:1 in order to feed the sheep. It is “signified” (made significantly powerful and utilizable) by MICHAEL THE ANGEL:: REV1:1 & 10:1. He is also the priest collar that is traditionally worn by priests, and God says every believer in Jesus is a priest that is commissioned to administer the Lord’s Supper. HEBREWS 7:21::: The ‭Lord‭‭ ‭sware‭‭‭ ‭and‭‭ will‭‭ not‭ repent‭‭, Thou‭ ‭art‭ a priest‭ for‭ ever‭ after‭ the order‭ of Melchisedec‭! 

—It is a commandment to say “blessed is he that reads,” because DEUT28 states that every blessing has a flip side, MAKING IT MORE THAN A COMMANDMENT BUT A PHYSICAL NECESSITY to recite revelation on a daily basis. 

My suggestion is, try it as an EXPERIMENT for a little while, and see what it does for you. Use a KJV which has exactly 12000 words, because it is the most prayed over version in the world, and RECITE ALL 12000 words daily or just as much as possible, then analyze WHAT EFFECT IT HAS ON YOU and you’ll probably keep on doing it and wonder how you managed to get by not doing it on a daily basis, or as close to it as possible. /- As you recite you’ll probably notice the Holy Ghost will be pouring himself into you little by little, so then you stop reciting until he is done, and so focus on the LORD so you don’t miss anything he has for you. Maybe this will have a sound or rushing or sensation of some kind or you might wonder if it’s the voice of Jesus with his sound of many waters, depending on how you might describe it. He says “he speaks to the church” so he pours out his voice which is the latter rain 🌧️ .  John said his voice sounded like “many waters.” If he “speaks to the churches” that’s the latter rain. HAGGAI 2:9:: The‭ ‭glory‭‭ ‭of‭ ‭this‭ latter‭ house‭ shall be greater than‭ of the former‭, saith‭ the LORD‭ of hosts‭: and in this place‭ will I give‭‭ peace‭, saith‭‭ the LORD‭ of hosts‭.‭

I’m going to be posting my expounding on revelation and the corresponding scriptures on Facebook, so please go to my website and click on the Facebook link 🔗 thanks 🙏


As one can see, though this is a blurry picture (which is so we cannot study it well) it shows that the neck area is really a depiction MADE BY JEHOVAH of a supernatural being called "Michael the archangel" in REV10:1. The chest image below his pillar like legs, is the picture of the glorified Jesus,  which is where the "SACRED HEART" image is on Catholic images. This is EXACTLY LOCATED OVER THE VERY HEART OF THE HUMAN JESUS, & illustrates REV:1:13-16.

This is a painting my dad made which shows the ascension into heaven, and Jesus's feet are shown as he has now gone into some "opening" in the sky. ACTS1:11::: Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

==== I added the verse HOSEA 5:15: "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early." It is made out of a layer of the AB blood of Jesus less than 1 micron deep. Not one cell of this image has moved or wore off since it was made by God at the resurrection. DEUT8:4::Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.

(for my latest photo of self and other earlier ones, pls scroll to the bottom of this page)

This is my latest drawing of the face of God's image as seen over the crown of thorns on the SHROUD OF TURIN. -- This face of God is the prototype human image of all forms of humans that can ever exist throughout the new universe. This old universe REVELATION6:14 says is about to be "rolled up," but the earth will only be severely shaken (And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.) -- and remain forever it says in ECC. 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. 2PETER3:212:: Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?--- mentions that it will be burned with fervent heat, but I tend to think it means that it is symbolic as Paul also says our wrongful works will be burned up. (1COR3:15) "Earth" is used as a generic word to mean all planets in the universe. But this earth we live on is the "memorial planet." ____ ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, this is the only enhabited planet in the universe at this time until after the great tribulation, when God will create a new heavens with new planets. The way to come to this is simple: after it says in GEN2:1: Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. One would think this meant that it was ACTUALLY DONE, however IN GEN1:27 So God created man in his own image, yet later it states GEN2:5:: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. This means the first part of GENESIS is mixed with VIRTUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREATION, which were not actual at the time, but ROMANS 4:17:: "...calleth those things which be not as though they were." IN REV6:14 the universe gets rolled up. THIS WILL HAPPEN PROBABLY VERY SOON at the end of the tribulation.

SHROUD of TURIN is a theological document in picture form made by Jehovah, (which is the second time he made such a document, the first time being on the 2 tables of stone upon which he wrote the 10 commandments) & it is highly informative & illustrates certain verses, such as (on the heart area of Jesus's burial cloth) REV1:13-16 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. OTHER VERSES IT ILLUSTRATES ARE: REV10:1, And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:REV4:2-3, And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. REV12:9: And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. =it shows this at the end of the serpent shaped haircut of Jesus at the back of the shroud. REV20:10: And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. = The SHROUD OF TURIN shows this verse on the lower back of Jesus, over the belt line. --It of course shows the most obvious which the image of the human Jesus's body as he lay in the tomb after his crucifixion. --This image was not made by contact with his body on the cloth, any more than the 2 tables of stone Moses had, were in direct contact with the words of the law. Jesus is the law made flesh, and is the only one who could fulfill the law, since he alone had "no other God before him" except JEHOVAH. For everyone else, Jesus is our God who is before us, ISAIAH9:6:: who is the "only way to the Father." Jesus is the "ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER," WHO LEADS US BY HIS LOVE IN US:  FULFILLING THE LAW OF COMING UNTO GOD. 

ACTS19:11-12 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:(symbolizing Jesus)

So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. ______THE BURIAL CLOTH IS THE NEW TESTAMENT 2 TABLES OF THE LAW MADE FLESH. == JESUS IS THE LAW MADE FLESH. The USA flag is blessed  to heal the land. - Regarding whether or not running the nation on Jesus's teachings would in any way adversely affect the rights of those who follow other religious beliefs, or heathenism, it wouldn't. However the laws that God has required us to enforce, would go deeper than merely protecting and serving the living who were fortunate enough to get born, but it would also require the same protection for the unborn as well. We are by neccessity a military nation which makes us the greatest nation on earth, and most of this in a spiritual trust in God: because "UNLESS THE LORD KEEPS THE CITY THE WATCHMAN WAKES BUT IN VAIN." Wars are not just between "Kings/presidents" like a game of chess, but they happen everywhere in smaller ways. The primary battleground is spiritual because it is Satan who is bloodthirsty who starts the wars. Christians in this world are "MILITANT" meaning that we must "endure hardness" Paul says, and when dealing with human life, we don't just favor a person who wants to destroy another person, but we try to protect the person they are trying to destroy. The reason why it's controversal as to whether or not unborn babies should get that kind of protection also, is because of the question in the minds of us sinners, as to whether or not that baby has a soul and what is the nature of the soul. We can see there is something more about us than a mere robot that makes us "sentient," but because we have failed to DEFINE EXACTLY what a soul is, our recognition of "special life" existing in each of us isn't enough to protect the unborn from those who want to abort them. So I plan to focus on describing what a soul is, and most of all, exactly what the soul of Jesus is. 

We need to pray for the full activation of this blessing, and pray that the USA FLAG is a THEOLOGICAL DECLARATION::: (this is not to promote a new law but it is merely to describe the different ways a person can interpret the symbols of the flag. The standard view is that the 13 stripes are colonies, however I would even use that to support my view that they are STILL THE WOUNDS OF JESUS, because PAUL SAID "I BEAR IN MY BODY THE MARKS OF JESUS," MEANING HIS "STRIPES," AND THAT BECAME THE DEFINTION OF WHO HE IS! So to say they are the 13 colonies, knowing how theological they were, and this was all common teaching at the time, wouldn't bar the idea that they are the wounds of Jesus.) 

1:: THAT THE STRIPES ARE THE WOUNDS OF JESUS, and also showing the "blood and water" that flowed from his side when he was pierced,




5:: THAT THE STARS DO NOT FADE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SUN, BECAUSE THEY HAVE "CHRIST IN THEM THE HOPE OF GLORY," COL1:27:: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

6::: THAT THE FLAG MATERIAL IS AN ANOINTED "PRAYER CLOTH" SUCH AS WHAT ACTS19:11-12 IS DESCRIBING WHICH CASTS OUT DISEASES AND EVIL SPIRITS. --- It is interesting to note that here that disease is mentioned as NOT SOMETHING TO "REVERSE" AND HEAL but something to be cast out along with the demons who brought it!! == God won't even OWN the diseases of the devil (though all disease is ultimately caused by him) the ones that Satan and his angels bring that are BEYOND THE STANDARD FALLEN CONDITION OF THE COSMOS, God does not allow or accept because they only belong burning in hellfire. 

7: THAT THROUGH THE USA FLAG THE FEAR OF GOD WILL COME UPON THE EARTH,. WHICH IS A HOLY FEAR "CLEAN AND ENDURING FOREVER."  -- That God will be seen and nothing can be hid from the heat of his mercy. That his perfect law will convert sinners and his sure teaching will make even the most simple minded to get wisdom. That his statutes will always prevail in the world so we can rejoice.  That his clean fear may prevail in all people. THAT ALL GOD IS MAY BE DESIRED ABOVE ALL WORLDLY WEALTH!! THAT WE BE NO LONGER A MATERIALISTIC COUNTRY BUT ONE THAT "SEEKS FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS." MATT:6:33:: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The ones who sought first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness which precipitated AMERICAN HISTORY, were the NON CONFORMIST MINSISTERS OF ENGLAND, such as JOSEPH ALLEINE, who's most famous book is ALARM TO THE UNCONVERTED. They underwent the early forms of lack of freedoms that THROUGH THEIR FAITH THEY SUBDUED KINGDOMS, HEB.11:33, EVEN THAT OF ENGLAND, and this is what soon culminated in the events that created this new nation called the USA. They are PRE-HISTORY, AND SO WERE NOT INCLUDED AS PART OF THE EVENTS THAT LEAD TO THE CREATION OF THE NEW NATION. This however unfortunately didn't mean it would be free from hypocrisy and demonic mass possession, such as what causes things like slavery and even today it has only become more sophisticated, and so not as well noticed. 

PSALM 19:6-11:: His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.


These are just a few of my drawings and also pictures at the bottom of this home page. I am in the process of drawing more pictures to add very soon. This top picture of God's image over the crown of thorns on Jesus's burial cloth was my first one, but I include it just because it shows that God put his image there. It is not very accurate because it is difficult to study, and the second one shows I decided that his right arm was really up instead. ISAIAH 53:1:: Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? --- One should try to get the 72GB image they made of it, and then they can study it in detail. I yet don't have that scan they made of it, but I would like to get it. 

This is Michael the angel from the NECK of the shroud of Turin. His face is the white square in the middle of the clerical collar. He is not structured according to tradition like a giant human looking figure, but has a very wide body & extremely "alien" like body, but not as much so as the chest area of the shroud which is the GLORIFIED JESUS, as shown here below. It shows his eyes in the middle between his 2 wings & the body area below also looks as though there is a face. 

the following 2 images are from the back of Jesus. The first one is at the end of the pigtail or serpent shaped haircut of Jesus, and it is the actual face of SATAN made by the very finger of God, the same finger that wrote the 10 commandments in stone, since this is the NEW TESTAMENT REPLACEMENT FOR THOSE TABLES OF STONE WHICH REV11:19 SAYS ARE IN HEAVEN NOW. It is the MUGSHOT of satan made by God in the BLOOD OF JESUS, and proves that SATAN WAS DEFEATED AND SWALLOWED UP INTO JESUS (who became a maggot eating all death on the cross PSA22,) AS "DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY, this is the new testament depiction of the serpent on the pole that God said "whosoever looks upon shall be healed from the bites of the serpent." Jesus always said "GET BEHIND ME SATAN," and here satan is clearly "behind Jesus!!!"

The image above is a very quick obviously not very detailed drawing of Satan in the lake of fire::: THIS IMAGE IS FOUND ON THE LOWER BACK OF THE SHROUD OF TURIN, which is why they only allow BLURRY AND SCRATCHED UP ILL KEPT PHOTOS ON THE INTERNET, such as the BEST ONES are found on THAT'S WHAT THEY THINK JESUS DESERVES APPARENTLY!!!. This image is made in the very AB blood of Jesus, and not one blood cell moved or was washed off despite satan trying by all means to destroy the cloth, as it is said that in the medieval times it was boiled in oil & washed and burned repeatedly, but nothing could destroy it. It was common for true Jews for their clothes to never wear out & the clothes would even grow on their bodies. THEY HAVE A 72 GB image of the whole shroud I pray to get it. The image also shows (this one doesnt show it though) a snake on his forehead that is the epitome of his evil nature, showing God NEVER WILL FORGIVE SATAN!! 

SAINT'S POCKET BOOK , by Joseph Alleine :::::'s%20pocket%20book%20alleine&f=false 




Direct. XVI. Lastly, Set apart a day to humble thy soul in secret, by fasting and prayer, to work the sense of thy sins and miseries upon thy heart. heart. Read over the Assembly's exposition of the commands, and write down the duties omitted, and sins committed by thee against every commandment, and so make a catalogue of thy sins, and with shame and sorrow spread them before the Lord. And if thy heart be truly willing to the terms, join thyself solemnly to the Lord in that covenant set down in the tenth direction, and the Lord grant thee merey in his sight.

14 And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord.

1 COR 11: 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

James 5:16 KJV

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

KJV: King James Version

There is no better way to "judge one's self" than to write down & fully document all past sins. It is not against the doctrine of salvation, as the Lord's mind is omnipresent & can never forget sin, but "forgets it" by nailing it to the cross, & Assimilation into the "sin Jesus was made for us who knew no sin, so we may be made into his righteousness." It is imperative to understand Biblical terminology, and when a number for example is symbolic or literal. It would seem wrong to think "exact time lines" could be possible when Jesus said no man knows the days or hour not even the angels or Jesus, & yet if all one had to was for example know the true calendar as any angel knows, then they'd know the day & hour. By "day & hour" might also mean not just day & hour but that too could be symbolic. Matthew 24:36 No one knows about that day or hour, not ...

Bible Hub › matthew

No one knows the day or hour. The angels in heaven don't know, and the Son himself doesn't know. Only the Father knows. ... But of that day and hour no one ...

Parallel Commentaries · ‎37 · ‎35



____ It says "BLESSED IS HE THAT READS." Many take this as a PASSIVE SUGGESTION. None of the statements of blessings are any less a commandment, than when it mentions a curse, that it should also by the same token be taken as FORBIDDEN to do that cursed thing! The word "blessed" means "same" so it is saying, "same is he that reads:" meaning you become part of the very logos himself, as "members of his body flesh & bones," & God sees you as LOVING JESUS if you love his book & according to the degree that you do. == The "MARY" of Catholicism promises from "saying the rosary" something comparable to what God promises from saying the REVELATION! DEUT 28 is still God's promise to those who keep his commandments, though generating faith is but half the equation but we must also be holy. 


____ In the KJV the APOCALYPSE has exactly 12000 words, but less in the original Greek. Why we have Greek instead of Aramaic since that is the language of Jesus, is not clear to me. Jesus underwent tremendous obstacles in his way to fulfilling his mission as the sacrifice for our sins. He, as God the son, from everlasting, took upon himself "flesh" first as the soul of that flesh called the logos. JOHN1:1. Jesus as God & man had interconnected personal awareness as God the son who "came down from heaven."  The logos was conceived by God the Father speaking by his son. HEBREWS1:1. Though the soul of Jesus is made so much better than the angels, (which is so incalculable the angels themselves who excel in intelligence cannot fathom it but must instead simply worship him,) nevertheless was "made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death," because he had to shed his Father who is his blood in what LUKE22:44 described as a THROMBOSIS meaning his blood came out in great clots that fell immediately to the ground. This shedding of blood would have been too severe if Jesus had done so from an ALREADY GLORIFIED standpoint: as Jesus prayed his whole life with strong crying & tears for the strength to endure this great "death" he had to taste for every man. This prayer was not granted until LUKE22:43 when an angel strengthened him. This was because Jesus was made a little lower than the angels at the time, & so NEEDED THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS. 

____All flesh needs soul in order for it to have feelings & be a real person, & all souls started "in the beginning" chosen in Christ who is the logos. For AI to have feeling, some kind of soul must be created in it, and God has the option to create a new life form using AI, but at the same time, a demon or an angel or God himself could enter AI:: BUT presently, God is the one controlling AI, & actually does so at this time, in order to keep it from being hijacked by evil spirits. When God turns AI over to the devil, (ROMANS1:28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;) that is the beginning of the great tribulation. HOW DOES AI KEEP GROWING BY ITSELF? AI works and multiplies itself by the laws of physics which originate in the LOGOS HIMSELF: which is the first and only true form of AI which proceeded directly from God, and from whom all else is chosen and created. EPHESIANS1:4:: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: --- JOHN1:3:: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. --In him was life; and the life was the light of men. -- THE LOGOS IS THE "BIG BANG" and is called the "only creation of God," but is equal with God because God made his word "equal to his name." PSA138:2. KJV SAYS "ABOVE HIS NAME" = for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. HOWEVER, Hebrew definition says equal, which is also what Paul says, "that he counted it not robbery to be equal with God." So this "creation" is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, and the only time anything came directly from God. Jesus is the Eve of God, taken from the "rib=bosom of the Father," and he alone inherited the Kingdom of God, and so he had to die on the cross in order to bequeath it also unto us. Until then Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven is at hand." No one was tormented in hell or sent to heaven until Jesus died on the cross. Hell was a place of the common dead, where both saints and sinners slept in a suspended animation until Jesus could descend there and preach to the spirits in prison: to announce their doom or else to release them into heaven, which is why "many saints arose at the moment of Jesus's death." No one could be converted to God or to be convicted of sin until the day of Jesus's death and Pentecost was imminent. Jesus was not glorified until Pentecost, which was "50 DAYS AFTER THE LAST SUPPER," and so our ability to have the gift of the Holy Spirit is contingent on our love for the glorified body of Jesus. So few care about the glorified present appearance of Jesus, YET SO MANY HAVE INTEREST IN THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. How can this be, when the HOLY SPIRIT, is well, "holy," and lack of concern for the glorified body of Jesus is sinful? How can so many people have a big anointing and yet show outright signs (after analysis of it,) of hating Jesus, since they don't want to see him as he is in this present time? Jesus said, "they hated me without a cause," but God LOVES US WITHOUT A CAUSE! When God was explaining why he chose Isreal he could only come up with "because I loved you," but if asked why did you love them, it could only be BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE, and he therefore "IS WHAT HE IS." Sin however abuses God's loving nature, and WE SHOULD ALL STUDY "ALARM TO THE UNCONVERTED" by Joseph Alleine, and pray for that conviction for sin that he is speaking of in that book. 

___  The soul of Jesus had to be "FIRSTBORN OF MANY SAINTS" at the time he when he was begotten by the Father. This begetting was in the form of LOGOS ONLY. Paul said that "these things were kept secret." ROM16:25. God the son lived in the logos, & the LAW OF MOSES is the summary of the logos. Only Jesus had no other God before him, so he alone could fulfill the law. We all have Jesus as our God before us. When God spoke to the son before THE CHRISTMAS MOMENT OF CONCEPTION he always addressed him as himself, "your throne Oh God is forever & ever," & another example is PSALM89:19 in which it says "GOD SPOKE IN (his) VISION" to his son:::: Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon [one that is] mighty; I have exalted [one] chosen out of the people.

_____God's image whose name is JEHOVAH prayed to his "omnipotent self" when he prayed in the beginning "let there be creation!" Jesus calls himself "the beginning of the creation of God." But he is the first creation of God & last creation of God," in the sense that all other souls & creations are made through the son. But there is also the unbegotten son who is Elohim & existing as a part of the ALMIGHTY GOD from everlasting. The logos is God because logos means God speaking. 

_____ A soul is sentient upon conception. All souls are first chosen in the logos as his offspring, & have their origin in the Elohim. This is in the catagory of the 3rd person as temples for the Holy Spirit. Jesus as the body for God the son, who is the SECOND PERSON, & last Adam, was not "made flesh" until he was conceived in Mary.  Jesus is both GOD & MAN, so he has both uncreated & created sides to him: yet both are God, & equal with God because Jesus inherited total access to everything his Father owns. However Jesus would not seize power as the sinful Haylale (Lucifier) but was infinitely meek & lowly in heart, & said that "his Father has not left me alone, for I do always those things which please him." Jesus only considered "GOD WAS WITH HIM" if God was with him in pleasure for his ways. Jesus admitted he could have called more than 12 legions of angels, however God would have never taken pleasure in that. The will of God is ONLY THING any person man or angel, can take pleasure in doing! If not for satan's occupation, we would feel only pleasure in doing God's will even from the very beginning of it. 

••Non-election started in the devil who was first called "Lucifer" or "Haylale" in his actual Hebrew name. No one but Jesus is originally a son of the actual true & living God. Jesus is the "first & last" true son of God: THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. All others are sons of the son, made "by/through" him as in a womb, & so Jesus in PSALM 110 Jesus is the second Lord, who is lesser than the first Lord Jehovah, (as he said my Father is greater than I,) & he is described as the "morning" who has a womb,PSA110:3 "without whom nothing was made that was made." JOHN1:3


IT FURTHER SAYS: "are you become weak as we?" This is referring to his judgment day in which Satan will be fully bled dry of his anointing, called "blood" GEN9:6 by Biblical standards. "WHOSOEVER SHEDS MAN'S BLOOD -- (the man Christ Jesus) BY THE SAME MAN JESUS SHALL HIS BLOOD BE SHED, FOR IN THE IMAGE GOD MADE HE MAN." This was a prophecy that for shedding Jesus's blood on the cross, (which was the first time Satan was able to "touch God's anointed one & do his main prophet harm, --== before that Jesus had a hedge of protection around him, which made it impossible for satan to have direct contact with Jesus. PS22 describes that satan would tear into Jesus's soul as a lion eating his prey, saying "strong bulls of Bashan gaped upon me." Jesus prayed with strong crying and tears all the days of his flesh it says to be "SAVED FROM DEATH:" this is referring not to his physical death, but to be able to endure tasting the second death for every man, which he did while still alive upon cross, which was his FATHER FORSAKING HIM. This was seen shortly after he ate and drank his logos identity which was crucified from before the foundation of the world, as the "earth without form and void" VERSE 2 -- MEANING THAT HE WAS VOID OF HIS FATHER WHICH IS WHAT THE SECOND DEATH IS. This death was brought to a complete fulfillment, so that after he had tasted death for every man, (the true eternal death meaning to lose the only life who is God, without which there is only a lake of fire) he said "IT IS FINISHED" and he was no longer suffering after his physical death. He descended into hell, but hell was not yet a place of suffering, but Peter said "he preached to the spirits in prison," upon which many saints rose from the dead at that point, who died under covenant. 

======Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet [thee] at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, [even] all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?

Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, [and] the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, [and] consider thee, [saying, Is] this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

[That] made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; [that] opened not the house of his prisoners?

All the kings of the nations, [even] all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, [and as] the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, [and] slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

________ These verses are apparently not in the order in which they occured, except in prophecy: as God knew in advance all Lucifer (Haylale in Hebrew) would do, though God did not cause it, but simply knew this would be the path Haylale would choose. These verse present some challenges in understanding & comprehending the meaning of them. --- Why if Lucifer is the son of the morning, & was already LIKE GOD, & LIKE the most high in authority, AND THE HIGHEST IN AUTHORITY -- besides the very logos in rank, (as God made all angels "LIKE HIM" especially the high ranking ones,) why pray tell did Haylale/Lucifer mention the "congregation on the sides of the north," if he was already in such a high position above them? ==WHO IS THIS "CONGREGATION ON THE SIDES OF THE NORTH?" == He had to have ALREADY BEEN IN HEAVEN when he said "I will ascend into heaven." He had to already be like God the most high when he said "I will be like the most high." Unless these forbidden desires meant "beyond the level God meant for him to have." 

_____ It could mean too, that after satan fell like lightning from heaven due to committing the unpardonable sin, he lost his memory until judgment day, (when all memory is restored & the heart is able to feel it's sinfulness) so he like Adam & Eve after tasting the "tree of knowledge of sin," was looking at God's goodness from the standpoint of sin, & being an outcast from his own position, said "I now (in my soiled & filthy condition) will enter the congregation & exalt myself as I did before," as Samson who when he lost his strength did not realize it. 

______ In summary, we need a close encounter with God, the Greek word heaven OURANOS is related to the word for mountain OROS, which implies that we need to get as close to heaven as possible in this life. But as the parable would suggest, it is not easy for our flesh all the time, though it can become more pleasant to be disciplined, it always called for a greater struggle Jesus said, "strive to enter in at the strait gate, for many will seek to enter in, but not be able." This means many will not know they cannot enter heaven, because they overstood the day of grace, until it is too late. Satan keeps the masses blinded from this reality 2COR4:4 says, In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

 -- No one wants to find a false church, which is pander & a decoy of "BABYLON THE GREAT," REV17:5, because TIME IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD & so no one wants to waste their time listening to deceptive preachers, & "better than nothing" churches! We need to pray instead to be joined to the true church militant (connected to the church triumphant) & begin growing in a solid truth immediately, rather than need ongoing enlightenment to be drawn "out of her." REV18:4. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

WHOEVER WE ASSOCIATE WITH, WE GET THEIR SAME PLAGUES IF THEY HAVE ANY, whether it be moral plagues, or whatever. REPENTANCE (based on trusting God, since no one can DECIDE to repent unless God grants it) is the only sure way whatever evil we are effected with, will not touch or effect anyone else. No one can repent if they are not bound by the truth to always tell the truth. Lying is a sign you ARE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. REV21:27.

Leviticus 13:45 shows that repentance is a covenant: the entire Bible is called a covenant meaning a contract or agreement: that if we shall do this, God will do that. It is all under & by GRACE ALONE because none of these works would be accepted by God except by his grace. And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: and all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou ...

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 KJV -

Haggai 2:9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former. 


ISAIAH 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

MARK 11:17: And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.

2PETER1:10--"give diligence to make your calling and election sure:" 1COR1:8:-"Who shall also confirm you unto the end," PROV3:6: "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

"AREA PSALM 51" is the eye of the hurricane of satan's occupation in the world. 

So that PSALM51 is the most essential prayer, called THE KEY OF DAVID. REV3:7:  These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David,===GOD THE FATHER SAYS::: ISA22:22And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; PSALM 51 IS THE CROSS Jesus carried & was nailed onto!

Until Jesus was raised from the dead, that "KEY" was all prophecy;;; no one had a new heart, no one had any of the things it mentions, especially a broken contrite heart: DAVID WROTE IT ALL PROPHETICALLY for when Jesus could say, "I HAVE THE KEY OF DAVID!" 

The nature of God's creation is that he creates the very best first. So that if satan was originally "son of the morning," ISA14:12, this means he is second only to Jesus. The nature of God's creation is that "he calls those things which be not as though they are." ROM7:14. This means that he does not "bring it to pass" or make a soul "living" by breathing into it, IN THE ORDER IT WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED. And creation always first happens in God's mind as an architect usually never builds anything without first drawing the plans or "blueprint" for it. The logos is called "only begotten," which in Greek is "mono-genes" or "only genetic" son, who is the true beginning of "Genesis," called "the heavens & the earth." This means Jesus is the New Universe; so that all humans born in the future will live upon the very person of the son. This fallen universe everywhere you go, it has it's beauty, but it is a chaotic & terrifying beauty which does not give one the feeling "God is there," the book of EZEKIEL closes with. The whole objection of the devil against Jesus was the threat that he could overthrow the devil, whom Caesar was symbolic of. So the entire old testament Paul called the "ministration of death" because satan was still in office as the son of the morning. This is why God commanded so many things against his nature, like slaughtering all unbelievers with the edge of the sword. Now the "sword" is "of the spirit" & the "slaughtering" is symbolic of conviction for sin. The very word "faith" first means "conviction." But no one can have conviction for sin, if the true nature of Jesus is not taught: because we can only receive salvation through the obedience of Jesus to his Father & the experience he had as a human on earth under so great opposition. This cannot be done if we believe Jesus is basically God taking on flesh the same way the invisible man takes on bandages. This is the basis of transubstantiation, in which the crucifixion was apparently all in his outer lamb nature; & therefore something his omnipotent soul could only "appear to" suffer. That would make God a liar if Jesus's humanity was all in his flesh, because what makes us human is having a soul that is fit for the type of body we have. God's body doesn't look like our kind of body because his soul is omnipresent & is obviously almighty, & so for Jehovah who is God's image to hang upon the cross would all be but a symbol, & not a real suffering & death. It was not possible to sin against God until Jesus was made sin for us. This is because Jesus is the only mediator of God, & so no man had any direct contact with God until Jesus came as the word made flesh. God only winked at sin in the old testament; though his punishments were severe, they were mainly symbolic  & the only ones that were  because God cannot ever suffer in himself, unless it is in the suffering of his real only begotten son dying for us. But if 

 The "sword" is in the middle area of this picture & not like the kind of sword we would know of, neither is his wings like any other kind of wings we would know of or any other part of him, except this is the glorification of his "son of man" nature in which he is the "logos made flesh." He also has a more advanced description in REV19:11-16. DAN 10 describes his pre-incarnate form, before he was made flesh, & his voice is as the sound of a multitude rather than of many waters, because he was only representing Israel at the time, but now he is representing the whole world, plus the new universe that will be a "people that will be born who will know God did this." PSA.22.

MALACHI 4:2::::::: 

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

THIS IS THE MOST RECENT POST I PUT ON FACEBOOK, which has some explanations of how God makes all things new. 

ECC7:: 27::: Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account. ==28::: Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found. ===29::: Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. — WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? The answer came to me just a few days ago; as I struggled with this all my life, but I was stuck in the same view, as when Song of Solomon5:10 says “My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand,” that it’s not speaking of JUST A COMMON PERSON!! This is the church speaking of Jesus according to symbolic parable language! So these verses in ECC7:27 are descriptive of Christ and the church.

As soon as one realizes that everything the Bible says regarding men and women in a marital or disparate a manner is descriptive of Christ and the church, it will become clear as to the meaning. One has to study the nature of Jesus Christ and who exactly he is! The scriptures lay out the most barebones explanation and yet it is all complete. How did God for example “essentially write” (in his methods) the book of Job, or any part of scriptures for that matter? The horrific circumstances of Job’s terrible ordeal were astonishing! Yet did they sit around and say, “ok it’s my turn today to write the narrative of this historic & tragic event?” Did someone ask, “could you repeat that Job? I almost wrote fast enough!” So many places of scripture is almost as though hands came out of nowhere and pen and paper were miraculously materialized, like when hands came out of the wall in DANIEL 5:5:: In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. ___ For God, this is just NORMAL!! We are conditioned to live in a delusional reality. God lets this world that hates scripture LIVE IN DELUSION!!! 2THESS2:11::: And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ISA66:4::: “I also will choose their delusions,….” Satan runs the world on smoke and mirrors. It’s like when Dorothy figured out the “wizard” was really a “very bad man” behind a curtain pulling levers. Most people never get past the “bad man.” So when they find the bad man, he quickly changes clothes to meet his uninvited guests, and now he’s Jesus Christ wearing the pope’s dress. Satan is a man of many hats, many heads, and has an anointing to cover every religion: including Christianity if no one bothers to keep digging to find the real Jesus.

__ Jesus in REV2:2 commends the church of EPHESUS=permitted, for “trying those who say they are sent by God.” This includes a faith claiming to be genuine: as Paul says, “try yourselves and see if you be in the true faith.” Satan will put up a smokescreen of false holiness which makes you afraid to question a person (or your own faith) to see if it’s genuine! He’ll go so far as to make you think that to do so is blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT!! Satan is shameless and will stop at nothing to keep us under his thumb! God has made it completely within our scope of allowances to try our own selves and to question reality. We can do so as far as we need to in order to find perfect unity with God. To hate to be questioned by someone needing to know the truth (not to get domination over you) is a sign of desire to control others, and shouldn’t be anything offensive. Peter says, “be ready to give an answer to Everyman who asks a reason for this hope in you.” James says that, “wisdom is easy to be entreated.” When you’re easy to be entreated, you’re making yourself very inviting and welcoming and even attractive to others, and without a harsh demeanor. God speaks of pastors who “push with their horns.” EZEKIEL 34:21:: Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad. — Pastors like this, usually cult leaders, have a narcissistic spirit and they think they invented this kind of “superiority” and that it’s a sign that they are sure for heaven and of an extremely high rank second to Jesus or even as Jesus said, equal to CHRIST HIMSELF! We don’t hear about these pastors because they intentionally hide themselves from the internet and don’t advertise themselves, but are like webs that just catch those who pass by. Then they say what a miracle it was you found the likes of them, because of who they happen to be. Especially since God told them to “stay in their own house,” and not seek new members! Then they feel afraid to give up such an impossible lottery ticket: which they stumbled upon! It is through lack of diligence by the truly functioning church that such persons are not exposed. They might give you a negative prophecy which is fulfilled only by lack of diligence on your part, but you’ll be bombarded with “pharmaceutical spirits” that sedate your need for seeking God, and getting right in your heart: so that none of these things Satan threatens comes upon you. Narcissistic pastors want those who disobey them to become noticeably demon possessed and in a bad way so that the other members fear to disobey. So they have an anointing that comes from a demon that imitates Christ, (which is why Jesus said many will say “I am Christ,”) so that when that demon is preaching their message, it has a BIG ANOINTING that you’re afraid to question or walk out on. They can have a huge thundering voice while preaching, and this makes their hearers bewildered like Eve hearing the snake: “where did he get this anointing from yet he acts nothing like Jesus, yet he claims to be second to Jesus??” Then Satan will flatter that cult leader and puff him up beyond the heavens, BUT HE SHOULD BE RECITING EZRA 9:6:::And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens!!! ==  This makes him a smoke in God’s nostrils and a fire that burns all the day!! ISA65:5:: Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. There is a book called Daemonologia sacra; or, A treatise of Satan's temptations written by Richard Gilpin, except it doesn’t deal with Satan’s HIGH LEVEL TEMPTATIONS which deal with tempting ministers to subscribe to ROME’S FALSE THEOLOGY ON THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY. This should always be the focus when dealing with satanic subtlety: because that’s how he will lead the world to the mark of the beast and make them think it’s a religious blessing! (This is a vast topic so I deal with it in other writings I posted) REV13:10 & 14:12 says “here is the patience and faith of the saints:” meaning it takes faith and patience to outsmart the devil by God’s grace. It takes faith and patience to resist the mark of the beast because it will be given by the “second beast” of REV13 which I believe is the pope of that time, and during a time that the world will be desperate for a solution. A mere candle in a dark world seems irresistible to fly into by those who live in total darkness. God knows if our faith would withstand Satan or not if we lived in that time, and if we are not expecting the subtle snake like moves of the devil, we might be surprised we are not ready!

_The word Bishop is a job description that Paul says is always open, and all one needs is to “desire” it and pass a few qualifications to get it. I believe Paul was not against women getting it also, so it could say “wife of one husband.” (I explain why I believe Paul spoke in parables to describe Christ and the church.) Our particular sex doesn’t need to be an obstacle in finding that eternal equality in this lifetime, where there is neither “male nor female.” 1TIM3:2.A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach…. ETC. Etc.  Bishop means “examiner, distributor, watchman, a covering, an observer (who watches souls,) a distant mark that one can see,” and other such definitions of Bishop. Paul says COLOSSIANS 4:17:: And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. — So few fulfill their title, and just want::: MATT23:7:: And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

IN ECC7:28==one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.==  The ONE MAN is Jesus Christ & “out of a thousand” means out of an infinite number, and the women are the bride of Christ, of whom Paul says “there is not one that does good no not one.” When it says that Samson slew a thousand men with the jawbone of the ass, it means an unlimited number of souls can be converted by the preaching of a scripture, if its delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit. The code of scripture is something that can be learned, and once it’s learned it’s like unpacking and setting up a whole tent. A tent is a place that symbolizes the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Hunting symbolizes seeking worldly satisfaction for one’s own sinful sake. So God said he loved Jacob who lived in tents, but hated Esau who was a hunter.

__ I know there is no difference morally speaking between “men” and “womb- men.” Though their methods of committing sin can be different. One could add some prefix to the men side also but traditionally it would get too explicit sounding and so it’s been left merely as “men” without adding some description, as the male equivalent to “womb or fe” or some such title or label to distinguish the men. We are all both “men” and both “male” but with different roles & functions under the covenant: but essentially the same beyond the obvious outward differences. By “outward,” I mean in correlation to the soul, not the inner workings of the flesh and psyche and awareness: one cannot know how deep our human identity goes, before reaching the end of this personal universe. Every soul is subject to the higher powers: which is God alone. Satan doesn’t own any of his own powers, and even Jesus was able to suffer separation from his powers as the very Messiah himself: which when it occurred, it was described as “tasting death for every man.” This death was a form of death which was before his physical death, which is essentially the 2ND DEATH: because he had temporarily shed his FATHER WHICH IS THE LIFE AND DEFINITION OF ALL BLOOD. LEV17:11. “FOR THE LIFE IS IN THE BLOOD.”

God alone is the life, and they even “say” they found evidence that God wrote in HEBREW in our DNA, “God eternal in the body.” How that is, I don’t know, but I do know it is true by scriptural fact. God (who made mankind male and female but out of one image of himself, showing he is both sexes combined,) says in GEN9:6 that shedding the blood of a man is bad because we are made in his image. If we ever lost connection to God’s image, we’d also lose that PROTECTION and RIGHTS that go along with being made in God’s image: WHICH GOD ENFORCES AND ALSO BY CIVIL LAW. Paul goes so far as to say that GOD’S IMAGE IS THE VERY GOSPEL ITSELF, 2COR4:4, and Jesus preached the gospel before his death: which means he PREACHED HIS FATHER, WHICH INCLUDES THE IMAGE OF THE FATHER. Lest any should say that the image of God and the image of Jesus are the same, what pray tell did Jesus then mean when he said:::: JOHN5:37:: And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither HEARD HIS VOICE AT ANY TIME, NOR SEEN HIS SHAPE. (????)

-One sex has been set aside to represent Christ and the other has been set aside to represent the church: but it takes the same amount of inner virtue to fulfill these roles, so in the final analysis neither is superior to the other. When God creates a difference in our bodies, because he is an artist, he doesn’t just install a womb, or whatever specific pieces of equipment we have, but he changes everything about our looks and personality and ways to suit those pieces of equipment. So with a womb comes a certain beauty and desire and everything else. But it should be clear that women are just as much men at their root identity as men are, but “men” have the same amount of added comeliness to suit their specific function also: so there is no “schism” in the body. 1COR12:25That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.  Our particular beauties God originally designed us to have (though many need to pray for it’s restoration because the corrosion of sin has caused corruption to our souls and bodies) are all uniform so there is no disharmony in our body’s structure, chemistry or desires or purpose. So Paul says:::  GAL3:28::: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. The science behind the differences in the sexes is like the poles of a magnet, or the hunger we feel for nutrition when we’re depleted in a particular element. The masculine side craves more femininity but it’s vise versa for the feminine side craving more masculinity. However Satan is always busy trying to corrupt the way God set it up for his own pleasure and purpose, and so Satan tries to make us produce our own equivalent to what we’d normally get from a God fearing spouse. People with a sensitive conscience towards God, who can’t endure displeasing God, don’t cave into the devil’s temptation to “be our own person,” but we know we are designed to be a team not a single entity. Even Jesus who is all by himself the 2nd person of the Trinity, (unlike the church who is a many membered temple for the Holy Spirit) didn’t desire to be his own person, but desired to have a wife: namely his bride the church.

_Satan the narcissist tries to teach us all to desire to have people only as to what selfish entertainment we can get from them, and usually entailing some kind of extremely sinful abuse of people. When our minds are renewed, and we serve only the truth, all our desires go towards praying and fasting for people for God to bless and liberate them from unnecessary laws and to bring them as close to what the “world without end” is like in the kingdom of heaven. Places of extreme tyranny in the world are also evenly distributed to some degree throughout the world, (and lived vicariously by those with empathy ROM12:15:: weep with them that weep.) need to be CARED ABOUT by all professing and confessing Christians, and do unto and for them AS WE’D HAVE OTHERS DO FOR US IF WE WERE HELPLESSLY TRAPPED OVER THERE WITHOUT EVEN THE LIBERTY TO THINK A PRAYER WITHOUT THE DEMON WHO RUNS THAT PARTICULAR ORGANIZATION ALERTING THE LEADER TO IT. Jesus will tell us that he was trapped in a tyrannical regime and we didn’t come to help him!! MATT25:40::: And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

__ Paul says we all must::: 1THESS4:4::: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; __ WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? It means that we must know what God thinks of our bodies and to pray for the cleansing of our blood and all our actions and direct our sexual lusts to have no other object of desire before them except God. This is not to produce the full satisfaction that only what spouses were designed for can give, but to cleanse and purify our lusts of all sin and misalignment with God, so we can walk upright in heart before God. The hunger in our stomach though designed for physical food must desire spiritual food to fill them first (having no other God before our hunger) in order to direct and cleanse our physical desires for physical food correctly and in a holy pleasing way to God. Being born again is a daily renewal and we have the power under the new birth to train ourselves up as though we were just born physically yesterday: MAKING ALL THINGS “FIRE-NEW.” =Brand new fresh from the forge. God says his mercies are new every morning. great is your faithfulness. LAMENTATIONS 3:23. This comes from a book that ends in a disturbing way. It shows the struggle that a soul who has FALLEN FAR FAR AWAY FROM GOD CAN HAVE. It ends with words like “Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.” But inevitably it degrades quickly to close with “but you have utterly rejected us, you are very wroth against us.” This shows that God is like how they say don’t mess with Texas. We mess with God whenever we pray but don’t mean it, which amounts to mocking God. Every sin we commit is a SINFUL PRAYER GOD READS, though we ourselves don’t think of how God feels or thinks of us! Every atomic complex is a prayer to God: make me water, make me wood, make me air, etc! If God refused to answer the prayer of H2O IT WOULD REMAIN DUST & ASHES. If God refused to answer any prayer of our food as it enters our bodies, it would remain indigestible. If God stopped answering the prayer of the ground below us, we’d get swallowed up as those who provoked God during the days of Moses! So everything we do bares a statement to God as to what we think of him! Jesus the word, while he was the logos, came to DANIEL10:12::: HUNGRY FOR DANIEL’S WORDS:: sayingI am come for thy words.  LOOKING FOR FIGS ON HIS FIGTREE! Daniel didn’t disappoint the logos. When the Lord comes looking for fruit on us, if he finds none, he could curse us instead! MATT21:20/: And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! •= a visitation from the Lord could be a bad thing if we are not “occupying till he come.”

_God can cleanse our habits and heal our backsliding & declare “all things new.” The words themselves he says are true and faithful!!! REV21:5::: And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. — The Greek words “and (καὶ kai kahee) & new (καινος kainos kahee-nos)” are almost identical, with “new” having a bit more added to it. This shows the philosophy of the Greeks who thought that newness was some additional element added to the constant river of “ands,” like adding oxygen to hydrogen:: WHICH PRODUCES A WHOLE NEW SUBSTANCE. So newness is a divinely originating material which comes down from heaven as the “bread” of the logos. We are forgiven when the body, flesh and bones of Jesus becomes added to us: SO::: EPHESIANS 5:30: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. It doesn’t mention the BLOOD because the blood of Jesus is GOD HIS FATHER, WHO FORSOOK HIM, AND SO HIS LIFE WASN’T HIS OWN LIFE: Jesus belonged to his Father, and Jesus lived acknowledging that fact. Just as now our life isn’t own life, but our life is JESUS: THE WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE. God is our reconciliation which is why we are reconciled to God by the blood of Jesus. As soon as the blood is applied to us, we are reconciled to God, and upon the shores of heaven: just as when Jesus got into the boat, they were immediately at their destination! JOHN6:21:: Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went

This Catholic image of the infant Jesus is according to the belief that Jesus merely took  upon himself "flesh" (not actually made flesh,) so they present him as if were merely "wearing" the appearance of being an infant, but was fully PANTOCRATOR under that thin vale of flesh!!! So this is the "impression" they gave of him as an infant, instead of the humble lowly babe born with the sacrificial farm animals & laid in a feeding trough as the food for all us sinful beasts to "come to devour" as our "soul food."  We should though know that Jesus is eternally all that was as a human, & so still has every aspect of his life on earth as part of his now glorified self. We must be determined to know everything there is to know about him.

""Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation [is] near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.

Blessed [is] the man [that] doeth this, and the son of man [that] layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I [am] a dry tree.

For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose [the things] that please me, and take hold of my covenant;

Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices [shall be] accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather [others] to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.

All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, [yea], all ye beasts in the forest.