SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE, EPH4:15, is like combining the bread=the truth with the grape juice = since the blood is God who is love. The blood Jesus shed is God the Father who is the life of all blood. God alone is the life! LEV17:11: For the life of the flesh is in the blood. God dwells in all flesh, or else the DNA and all the parts of the body would turn to dust. God requires us to “not destroy the temple of the Holy Ghost:” which is the human body. 

 Satan doesn’t approve of God giving his love with truth and so he seeks to reign with his residual power that has not yet been divested from him: this power is said to be in “Babylon” which “reigns over the kings (and priests) of the earth.” REV17:18. This means Christians not politicians: but it’s not absolute because JESUS PRIMARILY reigns over us. However the power of Babylon tries to “influence” us ever so slightly if it can’t do any more, and so Jesus said that Satan is “wise and subtle!” We must be actively binding Satan’s attacks and forgiving even our worst enemies, because no one knows what it took for God to forgive and save us. The saints in heaven Jesus said will love God so much because of being forgiven much!LUKE7:47:: Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.   We should be exercising and practicing our power to love now! There is no other sin sinners go to hell for, except failure to love one another! When God was asked what his name is, he described his name “I AM THAT I AM.” He IS love in other words and only acts in love. God knew our every prayer even from before the world began.

 —God explains why he loves us. He said basically it’s not for any reason, but because he decided to love us. He decided to make a covenant with us. The Bible is like reading the terms of a contract. It is our marriage vows to God and Jesus Christ. DEUT7:7-8 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

—-Satan is called the anointed angel/cherub that covers EZ28:14. Anointed means something very vast and powerful beyond what we’d expect or imagine. It mentions how when Satan said in ISA14:13, For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: — God refused to let Satan do that, but probably because he had become Satan, but before that he had already inherited precedence over the highest congregation of heaven! Jesus while the logos observing what was happening said “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” What could this mean but the transition of Satan from holiness to evil was immediate! It was at the speed of lightning: too fast for Satan to perceive it. Satan had decided he would rule over heaven in wickedness! How many times do we as Christians want to perform and reside over our congregation but to do it in our flesh? We don’t like being saints, because Satan tries to puff us up and flatter us when we do good, and we feel abnormal instead of what Jesus calls an unprofitable servant: who cannot do above what we are called to do. We need to pray repentance prayers to pop our pride bubble constantly and make us to see life through unleavened eyes like Jesus, who’s heart is the heart of PSALM 51:17, “collapsed and crushed,” which is “broken and contrite.” God will not despise a heart like Jesus’s heart: but will look unto us as if bored with everything else! ISAIAH 66:2: For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Satan wanted to be both love and hate == in other words the combination of the 2 which is lukewarm. Laodicea means “justice of the people,” and Satan wanted everything based on justice. But he first had to create a need for justice, because how God had it all set up was that justice was only praising God and being rewarded for being beautiful and without sin. So Satan created sin. He alone had the power to do so, because it says he “had” the power of death until Jesus took the keys of hell and death. God is so sure sin will never again exist after the great white throne judgment, because once Satan was defeated, no one had the power or will to start sin again even for all eternity. 

How we know that Satan was second to Jesus in rank and called “son of the morning,” (morning meaning logos) is that he created sin “iniquity” (“evel” in Hebrew) was found in him, EZ28:15, and he cast out a third of the angels with his tail which is oorah in Greek, the Marine’s battle cry, and is a feat of strength and authority that is inconceivable for anyone of a lesser rank than second to Jesus. 

Sin is not a thing anyone would choose unless the creator of it thought he could derive pleasure from the pain of others, and he himself would not ever be punished for it: because sin is like deciding to do self destruction. No one would do it without a most evil intent to harm others!! Satan opened the door for suffering but he himself thought it would not apply to him. Satan has never suffered except by the church bruising him under our feet. Even upon seeing his fate after the resurrection, he could only suffer real consequences from it if the church got in on helping Jesus:  which is the description of a wife, as being the bride of Christ. So Satan burned in rage against the church. 

John says “God is love.” He doesn’t add “and God is also hate,” but says “in him is no darkness at all.” God would be a lukewarm twilight if he was both!! God’s wrath is to be feared because it is the provoking of his love which is “not easily provoked.” If you manage to provoke God who is perfect love it says “it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” Jesus commands offended brethren to forgive 70 times 7!!! Jesus then said if we don’t forgive neither will God forgive us! But let’s not tempt our brethren to go to hellfire because we did something that was too hard to forgive. God help us by the Spirit of mercy. God delights in mercy, but tells us to not sin so grace (and mercy) might abound. It’s possible God could let us count our sins against ourselves, and refuse to cast them upon himself in PSALM 51:4. If that happens God says “there remains no more sacrifice for sin!” It is evident that one must “walk in the fear of the Lord which is clean and enduring forever.” 

Had Satan exercised a little restraint and refused to crucify the Lord of glory, he’d be on his way now to fulfilling his claim in ISA14:13, and heaven would be in a permanent war. But Satan was so mean and bloodthirsty that it was his downfall. Many sinful people ruin themselves simply because they don’t give God the “reasonable service.” ROM12:1. He said he would rise above the angels of God, but because of his terrible cruelty that couldn’t let him resist crucifying Jesus, he was stopped by GEN9:6: Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. = this is a prophetic statement explaining how God planned to condemn Satan, because it’s against divine law for a king to be punished if there is no one greater in rank than himself killed by him. But Satan didn’t see any other son in heaven greater than himself, and so then Satan wondered how God will stop him. THE LOGOS WAS KEPT SECRET:: MATT13:35:: I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. MARK4:22neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. ROM16:25:: according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,

Satan knew he couldn’t kill God: his plan to be greater than God was to eclipse God and harness his power like a dyson sphere, and “appear” to be God according to our perspective. Even today the only power that exists is God, yet what is causing God to not manifest as he would in the eternal existence of the kingdom to come? It is the “covering cherub” of EZ28:14. Satan was originally made to be “fearful in praises doing wonders,” EX15:11= and that’s how God was presented: through that kind of a covering (in God’s mind) BUT that never happened; because Satan fell before God even created mankind, and Satan’s fall destroyed the universe.

 The creation of 6 days was on top of what was there already. GEN1:1 is a complete creation then GEN1:2 says it was destroyed! The 6 days were virtual days, because after God created humans simultaneously in GEN1:27, God then created them in actuality. GEN2:5 says it was before a plant grew or human existed. Then God made the way he created Eve symbolic of how he begot his son. Logos is faith which is symbolized by bone: so Eve was taken from the faith closest to the heart. 

God commands the church to keep the words of Revelation close to our heart (EMBRACING IT AS THE MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION AS THE NEW 2 TABLES OF THE LAW GOD HIMSELF WROTE AND GAVE TO JESUS:: REV1:1,) as the TRUE BLESSINGS which God promises upon those who say and keep and digest the Revelation: for the purpose of magnifying the REST OF THE BIBLE. 

 = The very blessings God promises upon those who keep his sayings throughout scripture: ==These are a few of God’s many great and precious promises: Protection: Graces to be agape: (1COR13:) Salvation: Armor against Satan and all evil: EPH6:10, etc .. Light of God: Deliverance from HELLFIRE, (which can seep up into our life giving us feelings of sadness or loneliness etc or leap up as from desperate flames,) JESUS SAID THESE GATES OF HELL WHICH ARE THE WOUNDS CAUSED BY SIN WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST US!! Obtaining what you ask: Increased faith: Comfort and peace:etc” 

 In the various 7 main world religions (including Catholicism and all their branches that agree with their core teachings) Satan is the author of their doctrines. Satan leaves out the true humanity of Jesus by claiming he is only a body of flesh and denies his true begetting as the logos which was spoken by God in the beginning, and therefore God is the beginning and ending as the person of the logos. But ending of what? Ending of sin and ending of this present evil world/cosmos. God must not only be our beginning but ending also. Without knowing Jesus in his humanity and knowing the power of his resurrection, we only do as JOB:15:26::He runneth upon him, even on his neck, upon the thick bosses of his bucklers: — we can only sin as in the worst kind of way!! It is like touching a high voltage power line with no insulation or channel. 

Satan will either try to exalt Jesus to the position of PANTOCRATOR or make him to be but a man only. Or just a prophet, or created like other angels or men. But Satan will never present Jesus as scripture presents him: as made so much better than the angels, HEB1:4 or made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death. HEB2:9, ___ Satan wants to make it look like he himself was the very first son God created, and then to make Jesus look like all he was is a soulless body taken over by the Almighty God. God describes the begetting of Jesus as the only one it’s kind, and far superior to other angels and saints combined. It is a “creation” of a whole different quality. Only Jesus is the womb of the morning: the mother of all living. Only Jesus can please God, as the only wife of God. Jesus described himself as a mother hen. LUKE13:34:: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

So in other religions Satan has demoted Jesus, and made him less than what the Bible paints him to be, so either way, Satan must present Jesus in an unscriptural way in order for Satan to gain his full leverage over the whole world: if we AGREE to his plan to make God “seem” to be a liar:= as John says “don’t make God a liar.” How he says we primarily do that is to “say we have not sinned.” Every time we don’t take inventory of our sins and “write them” either verbally or in thought or even document them, we are a “smoke in God’s nostrils,” saying “come not near me for I am holier than thou!” Jesus never once rejected any who came to him confessing their wrongs. Sometimes sinning against a beloved brother can seem like an unpardonable sin, and the devil works hard to make us fall into despair and feel God’s terror so we think he’s casting us away, when all he is doing is chastening us so we learn our lessons! 

The way that the Catholic church is “universal” is not according to the “canon/rule” of scripture, but according to the claim that “GOD DID NOT BEGET A SON:” This is never said in ANY ACTUAL STATEMENT in Catholicism, (but in Islam it is claimed) BUT IN THE CONCLUSION ONE COMES TO BY THEIR DOCTRINE Jesus could not be begotten if all he did was come as GOD THE SON and put on human flesh. The Bible describes the begetting of Jesus to be “in the beginning” and Jesus calls it “the beginning of the creation of God.” Jesus had to have a human soul in order to have a human body or it would be a lie and GOD CANNOT LIE! There is no human soul which is not created and vulnerable and with a separate awareness from God. But Jesus is the only creation of God and made so much better than the angels. All others were created via the son, and this is a lesser form of creation than to proceed directly from the Father. If Jesus wasn’t so, Satan would be this “only son.” The firstborn is of a superior quality and rank that cannot be reproduced and cannot be fathomed; and so must be worshipped as the very Father himself for being the only way to the Father. But we must have understanding between the 2 in order to gain the benefits of having a mediator. 

Jesus said “beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees.” The topic of the begetting of Jesus, and the way that satan misrepresents it, is the cornerstone of all salvation and Christianity itself. Paul says to NOT BE IGNORANT OF SATAN’S DEVICES:: the main device of Satan is to teach falsely regarding Jesus Christ. Paul says “if we labor in the word and doctrine we are counted worthy of double honor.” Yet how many covet having double honor? It is a commandment to seek double honor, not a suggestion. To not do it gets us triple shame and punishment. Just read DEUT 28 and tell me how much worse is the punishment than what the blessing looks like!! God describes the blessing in a relatively short way, but he says if you don’t want the blessing, HERE’S THE PUNISHMENT, and God doesn’t mess around!!!! 

 Jesus’s identity is a topic that cannot be explained except in bits and pieces: ISA28:10: For precept [must be] upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little:

 So Mary who is but a member of the church, is promoted to fill the vacancy created by the promotion made upon Jesus (TO THE POSITION OF JEHOVAH=PANTOCRATOR) according to Catholic theology, and so she is presented by Satan’s delusional powers as a quintessential Christian, like the conglomeration of all saints combined into one: which is essentially the church which is the many membered body: =the “one body” of the third person, the Holy Spirit. But for those who believe the Holy Trinity stands alone in identity from us, this excludes the actual church: who believe it also (though without Mary) but in the doctrine of the coequal Trinity that doesn’t accept the humanity and fellowship of the temples of it: as we must be temples of the Holy Ghost in order to be saved. 

 This illusion in the minds of deceived persons, of the status of Mary, (or of the Holy Ghost if we don’t understand he is made incarnate in his temples) can also be transferred to cult leaders who claim to be second to Jesus, and have an anointing that makes them seem to be like the only person God cares to save in the whole world: in order to draw members into them as a bug to a flame! As if THEY THEMSELVES constitute the whole church! 

But how do such persons get such a DECEITFUL anointing, especially if they never consciously and willfully contracted with satan or a demon for it, but just had it somehow “added” onto their calling from God, and obviously also despite the downpayment of the Holy Spirit God gave them, if they still have the Holy Spirit? Wouldn’t the Holy Spirit within prohibit such an unauthorized supplemental anointing? And would it be considered a possession or a weight or an influence or some presence that we must diligently reject and cast out? === Paul says that we must “stir up the gift within us!” The gift of the Holy Spirit can lay dormant and quenched, and yet not always leave a Christian: but “wait to be gracious,” as one of the miraculous manifestations of divine love. ISA30:18: And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you. —Jesus the earth must “swallow up the flood” which Satan casts out of his mouth against us. REV12:16. Too many churches are like homes which are said to be “under water.” We must have dry land for the dove of the Holy Ghost in us to find rest for the soles of her feet. GEN8:9::But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, 

Satan while in his holy state of being (before he fell) who’s name was Haylale, was basically how the Catholic church describes Mary to be! Satan was second to Jesus, and he would have been the primary temple for the Holy Spirit, as the first body for the third person: but at the time, the Holy Spirit had no body to dwell in because Jesus had not yet opened the kingdom up for his people to enter in by being glorified. JOHN7:39. for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom before he died on the cross, showing that the gospel is the image of God. 2COR4:4 says that satan blinds the world from the image of God, and to not know it is the gospel. Jesus spoke of his Father who is the gospel everywhere he went! Jesus freely admitted he was lesser than the Father PSA110:1, and the beginning of the creation of God,REV3:14, and the logos who was in the beginning: JOHN1:1 though he has a Godhead which is from everlasting. MICAH5:2. The logos means “something spoken,” and that is how God begot has only son: by speaking him into existence. ROMANS 4:27 ==(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, [even] God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. —— This describes Jehovah as the true Abraham, whom Abraham was the forerunner of as a “figure” of Jehovah who didn’t get the ram in the bush to bail him out! Abraham’s story is like a stage play only, though a real event that took place, but as a play on a stage is a real event too. The crucifixion was not symbolic or a stage play, OR A TRIAL RUN, but the real actual  event that had to be perfect or it would have been scrapped by the Father. What that would mean is not allowed for us to know. Michael knows and the elite members of heaven. When the lion like roar of Michael’s voice let out the powerful sound, it caused seven voices like thunders to divulge a divinely kept secret! But despite the “cat being out of the bag,” a voice from heaven forbad John from writing down the message! How can this be? For Michael to be willing to tell us an evangelical message yet be forbidden by the same heaven he’s serving? ==== Could it have been told John by the pastor who told me he’s above Michael the angel and said he was there in the beginning in all the great people of God? I have to admit I don’t understand everything! But he told me to stay out of revelation because it’s not for infants. My faith is still developing so I can’t comprehend the answer. 

 Satan knew that if God found any mistake or error or anything to taint the crucifixion, it would have been utterly useless. IT HAD TO BE A PERFECT SACRIFICE PRIMARILY IN THE SOUL OF JESUS::: ISA53:10::when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. 

Yet how much do we try to be compatible with our husband and only produce acceptable fruit to God’s glory? Jesus in his great weakened condition before he gave up the ghost knew his sacrifice had to be perfect, so Satan no doubt told Jesus that God found fault with his sacrifice, and all his life preparing for it, his strong crying and tears during the days of his flesh to be saved from the second death would be scrapped! Satan no doubt hoped he could achieve his claim by making Jesus DOUBT and THAT WOULD BE THE REASON FOR THE FAILURE!! HEB3:19:So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.: So Jesus cried out “my God why have you forsaken me?” God told Jesus “I haven’t,” and Jesus never suffered again ever since. Jesus commended his spirit to God and God accepted it! 

As to Satan, he got condemned to the lake of fire: and before the crucifixion Satan was basically free, and he could sin without needing to worry about it. But now every sin is like the worst self inflicted punishment!! This is why Satan is angry at us and seeks to destroy us. Satan was still treated like a holy angel by God in the Old Testament, but Satan lost all that by “touching God’s anointed one and doing God’s only true prophet harm!” PSA105:15. Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

So because Mary is but a member of the church triumphant in the general assembly in heaven, praying to Mary is basically praying to the church as if being “on the outside looking in!”-or else why pray to a church member if you ARE one? Praying to Mary is in the eyes of Jesus what Haman did when he went to Esther to beg for mercy, instead of to the KING HIMSELF: ESTHER7:8::: Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the bed whereon Esther [was]. Then said the king, Will he force the queen also before me in the house? As the word went out of the king’s mouth, they covered Haman’s face. === ___ Jesus’s wrath is greatly kindled PSA2:12, (as I here bring it to God’s remembrance= REV16:19) by Babylon turning Mary into the “GREAT WHORE” using her as the mascot of Rome, and it creates a corrupt reputation for Jesus in the estimation of the world, and it makes the world despise Christianity, as what Jacob said regarding what SHECHEM did with DINAH! GEN34:30-31:And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I [being] few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house. 31: And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot? 

==ANYWAY THAT SATAN CAN GIVE CHRISTIANITY A BAD NAME AND IMAGE HE WILL DO IT! Satan only abuses Christianity because he can’t wipe it off the earth altogether, (the same reason why he creates porn because he can’t destroy all humans) so it becomes his main pawn on his chessboard instead, in what the Vatican is set up to do. Martin Luther said that “where Jesus sets up a chapel Satan will set up a Cathedral.” But I will explain the EXODUS FROM BABYLON, CATHOLICISM, is primarily in the doctrine on the Trinity: which Martin Luther and all so called protestants do not come out of, or apparently even see anything wrong with. I will explain how a wrongful adherence and belief or profession of the Trinity, prepares the whole world for the mark of the beast, instead of pleasing God, and making it into heaven in our end. Churches can be pawns in the hand of Satan, rather than to be places that promote salvation and draw us closer to God! Barren fig trees look like good fig trees to undiscerning sinners, and so they become panders and decoys to draw people in with flattery and favors rather than “telling God’s people their sins.”ISA58:1: Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. ===== Lukewarmness in REV3:15 is only “regarding Jesus” and so sinners don’t know a church is lukewarm by any means except unless they examine how they LOVE JESUS: and so Jesus said::: MATT15:14: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 

If God says that “blessed is he that reads,” then it is certain that it means “cursed is he who doesn’t read it!” DEUT 28 gives no in-between or makes no SUGGESTION as to whether or not it’s up to us to comply with God’s covenant. God doesn’t say, “oh well, I guess they didn’t like me, so now I’m just going to sit on my throne all dejected.” No, but God is a jealous God, and it even says his name IS Jealous! EXODUS34:14: For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name [is] Jealous, [is] a jealous God: == The book of Revelation starts out saying basically it is God’s new version of the 10 commandments laser cut upon stone by his own finger, in the words that HE GAVE IT TO HIS SON! This is like saying, “if you don’t like the gift I gave my only begotten son for his perfect obedience and sacrifice he made for my sake, then THAT IS LIKEWISE WHAT I THINK OF YOU!!!” The word of God is 2-edged meaning 2-mouthed: no one can take it or leave it: it will find you out it says in HEB4:12:: you will be revealed in your soul by it. It is living as the personal bodily equipment of the glorified Jesus, and so it will not sit dormant in a book but it will “accomplish that which it is sent to do.” It will slay the armies that attack Jesus and his army at Armageddon: so we know it’s not only effecting us in the spiritual but it impacts our physical existence also! The people of heaven ride white horses: what can this mean but some sort of heavenly brand of vehicle that is like a flying “great white throne.” One could imagine what the brand name could be if maybe it’s “Christler” or something based on the laws of heavenly physics. .

 REV1:3: “blessed” is he that reads. The word “blessed” is a Greek word meaning the “same.” This is the same word “blessed” that Jesus uses referring to in the beatitudes. So why does it mean “same?” It signifies the presence of the Savior himself: because we then are under the promise to be the same as the logos, and the savior himself. It means we become “bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh;members of his body flesh and bones.” Exodus is a story about God interacting directly with us by his very person called “the image of God which is the gospel of Christ.” 2COR4:4. In the ministry of Moses it is also a pattern ministry that we all must follow. Moses when he was told that others prophecy with his same anointing, NUM11:29: Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD’S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them! —Then in REVELATION 12:17 & 19:10 it says all God’s people have the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. We have 2 testimonies: our own testimony, WHICH REV12:11 SAYS OVERCOMES THE DEVIL, and the testimony of Jesus. Satan doesn’t have the testimony of Jesus, and so has no spirit of prophecy, (AND HIS OWN TESTIMONY IS BUT DAMNING EVIDENCE) but when he “preaches” as a cult leader and swine evangelist, LEV11:7, using his anointing ==which doesn’t chew the cud== to appear as an angel of light, or even Jesus if we are so easy to trick despite seeing what “big teeth he has” under his grandma's outfit, Satan is only preaching to suck us into himself as into a giant black hole! The world or “cosmos” is a massive cult, because what defines a cult is that it has a black hole for a center. They say they are feeding us, as their baby eagles, but they never push us out of the nest. God says they are feeding themselves with the very sheep!! EZEKIEL 34:10. Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I [am] against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. 

The new universe will have no black holes, and nothing that will hurt or destroy or detract us from God. Satan uses all the right words: don’t look for “denial of Jesus” with the actual words that they deny Jesus! John says antichrist denies both Father and Son but don’t expect Babylon to say “I’m Babylon and I deny Jesus!” Anymore than satan will come warning us of his presence etc. Don’t look for the mark of the beast under any obvious form either, but look for a sacrament ordained by the pope himself; BECAUSE IT WILL COME IN THE MOST SUBTLE OF WAYS AND SATAN WILL EVEN TRAIN US TO TAKE IT WITHOUT OUR RECOGNIZING HIS DOING SO! Satan trains us to take it (if it were available,) by not discerning the Lord’s body. What, you may ask does that have to do with it? The entire false Christian church is based on failure to discern the Lord’s body! What is discerning the Lord’s body? Knowing the difference between him and the Father. Those who think that the body of Jesus is the body of Jehovah, fail to discern the Lord’s body: the only way to declare his death is to understand that his “death” came before his physical death, and it was separation from the Father!

 The cup is the Father’s blood along with the blood of Jesus (which is ALL the blood of Jesus because it’s the blood of his Father, plus the blood of his physical body,) and the bread is the body and residue of the physical blood, and the 2 elements are separate because they “show the Lord’s death” which death was the second death which was separation from the Father, which he tasted for every man. None of the body and blood of Jesus is in immediate substance itself until it reaches the inside of our bodies, because it carries the logos of the body and blood; so Jesus didn’t eat and drink his own physical body and blood, but ate and drank the logos slain from the foundation of the world, and immediately began to be made “crucified.” Paul says it’s only when we eat and drink the bread and wine that it then becomes the body and blood of Jesus. 1COR11:26. It cannot be consecrated and then stored in a cabinet like the Catholics do. The Lord’s supper can’t be worshipped like it’s the Lord Jesus in the room: EXCEPT IN HIS USUAL SOVEREIGN PRESENCE: but he’s only with us in the Lord’s supper upon our ingesting it. 

Jesus endured the crucifixion because he remained perfectly one with his FULL LOGOS IDENTITY: WHICH WAS CRUCIFIED FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. It was like Satan was up against a brick wall, because this very Jesus was made to become one with his crucifixion that ALREADY TOOK PLACE IN THE PERSON OF HIS ALMIGHTY FATHER BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF ALL WORLDS. The peace Jesus had during his crucifixion was so perfect because his mind was stayed perfectly on his Father, and Jesus’s TRUST in his Father was never broken. The very thing that gave Jesus unspeakable torment (in that his supper broke him and made him soul bleed out his Father in what Luke22:44 said was his blood being shed in giant clots called thrombosis) was at the same time giving him superhuman Samson like strength: his logos nature was being broken in him releasing all the Almighty powers of God. When he thought he was forsaken he was the least forsaken since his very beginning in JOHN1:1. God doesn’t allow us to have a good personal assessment, but will make his chastening indistinguishable from actual condemnation itself, and we will think we are least holy when we are the most holy we ever been. God never approves us to give up because of how things seem. We might be like PSALM 39:4 and want to know our end, but God says he delights in faith and trust and the very things which are foolishness to us. God says that he can make all things work together for good if we but love him: and God says he has prepared for those who love him a place that is so glorious that it’s impossible to show it or communicate it to us because our hearts could not receive it. 2CHRON35:15 -1COR2:9 -HEB11:16. God prepares many things by many means and people. 

 Just as he was “made flesh” in his conception, he was now entering the second stage of his being made a living soul, which was to be the “wheat that must die in the earth in order to be glorified.” Satan hides in the most sacrilegious of all ways, under the guise of the very CHURCH OF CHRIST! The very chalice of Catholicism is said in REV17:4 to be filled with the abominations and filthiness of her fornication. This fornication is denial of Jesus as our head through the doctrine that he is the Father Jehovah himself. Only Jesus is designed to be our husband, but the Father is not our husband except through Jesus. Then the Father calls us his bride also through Jesus because he lives the marriage by being in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. God says he’s married to the backslider in heart, and he’s ready to forgive. The things God does in his sweet nature is so astonishing that it just doesn’t seem possible! Jesus had so much virtue in one second of his life, it was worth countless eternities of angelic perfection. 

How can “abominations and filthiness” be in the chalice of the Catholic church if it is the blood of Jesus? The Lord’s supper is ALWAYS THE SAME regardless of how unworthy we are when we take it, because it is a covenant ordinance that is accomplished by the Lord himself as a sacrament. Sacraments are “ACTUAL EVENTS” though we only perceive them as through a glass darkly: so when the Catholic church or anyone ventures to take the Lord’s supper, it is always the very same body and blood of Jesus as it is for even the holiest of saints. IT CANNOT BE CHANGED BY FALSE DOCTRINE UNLESS IT IS MADE INTO A FORM SUCH AS A MARK, because of God’s great wrath such as when they cried for Quails, because “this manna” was “light bread!!” To sinners who want an easy way to heaven, the body of Jehovah is only strong enough and not Jesus who is like light bread. Yet they are not authorized or worthy to take the food of the marriage supper of the lamb. 

So then how is it said to be filled with “abominations and filthiness” if it is the real most holy blood of Jesus which is even the very blood of Jehovah? Because no “active” evil exists outside of God, (except in intention and receiving punishment for what it “would” do if let continue,) because evil cannot have strength WITHOUT GOD or power to commit it’s desires and has no added victims to vent itself upon, except those who are damned with him but only because God is restraining evil (PSA76:10::Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.) with his limit saying to the proud waves: JOB38:11–Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed? —- Satan will not be able to attack or torment anyone in the lake of fire, and all his victims will receive their punishment only from God. —- If God let Satan do all he wanted the universe would become fully prosthetic and all human beauty destroyed forever, and all pleasure turned into only torture and sorrow. Satan eats souls for food because he refused to eat his Lord God. 

 Paul says that God is the only power. ROM13:1. When an anointed Christian does evil, the presence and anointing of God doesn’t leave him: because Paul says that the “gifts and callings of God are without revocation.” Saints who are anointed can even backslide and use their anointing to do evil! Once we get the anointing, the only thing that can remove it is a living damnation, such as certain unfortunate victims of Satan allegedly experienced, such as Francis Spira, but even he was more than likely simply more troubled and tormented by satan than to have actually lost his previous anointing he acquired in his dedications. An anointed minister can backslide and not lose his anointing, and he can steal his anointing from his flock, by feeding off their souls like a vampire. EZ34:10== “for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.” Satan is called the dracula which comes from the Greek word “drakon” or “dragon.” On the back of the burial cloth, Satan is “behind Jesus,” (because Jesus said “get behind me satan,”) and it shows satan with vampire like fangs. Satan tormented Jesus on the cross, as Jesus described satan as a “strong bull who gaped upon him,” meaning that satan was able to eat into the soul of Jesus like a lion eating his prey alive!

 When Satan went into the empty tomb after the resurrection, and scanned the images on the burial cloth, and he saw his face on the lower back of Jesus in the lake of fire, it scared Satan with a terrible shock that shook him! But instead of being broken down & “afraid out of his close places,” he flew into a terrible rage and began to persecute the church! The people of the Old Testament never had to deal with a defeated devil. One might think it’s better he’s defeated, but he’s also like a wounded animal who is now extremely dangerous! 

==The nature of angels is ECC9:10 and so he does everything with all his might and cannot do anything at half steam like we do, dragging our feet and with “hands that hang down.” God says if we don’t praise him and lift up our feeble knees we will be “turned out of the way:” meaning be spewed out of the “way” who is Jesus Christ. God says he’s a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek him. 

 The body of Jesus is for our prosperity and healing but his soul is our offering for sin! The Catholic church never portrays Jesus as a tormented soul upon the cross, ISA53:10, (because to them he was never “made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death,” but always fully as capable and impenetrable as God and so Jesus could “do” the crucifixion as often as they “do”‘the mass) =but like a sacrificial animal only, as the “lamb,” and so they are masters of worldly prosperity but have zero salvation: and those who go there if they are saved, are saved “despite” the Catholic church not “because” of it! 

But the Babylon has many “harlots” REV17:5 says, and so one can be in any one the seven main world religions and yet be Catholic!! Satan has therefore made a false type of Christianity which does not discern the Lord’s body, so that each time they take the Lord’s supper, it is to their damnation, and each time weakens their chance at true salvation. Satan is an evangelist who appears to draw people into the church, but only so that there we might sin and ruin our status with God. Satan can make the whole church service sinful, and is said to be “spiritual wickedness in high places, and is the evil with us whenever we would do good.” Satan partook of the ultimate Catholic Lord’s supper, in which he ate and drank his actual living body and blood as Jesus’s soul was undergoing his actual crucifixion in realtime: and this is how satan “ate and drank damnation to himself!” 

No one was headed for the lake of fire until Jesus tasted it for every man on the cross, and became the burnt offering who’s heart melted like wax in the thermal heat of God’s wrath for sin. The devils knew that satan was about to damn them all, after having cast them out of heaven which was bad enough! So a demon gave Pilate’s wife a nightmare in which she suffered many things because of Jesus, and she pleaded with Pilate:: “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT JUST MAN!!” The demons were hoping satan would take warning, but satan’s blood lust was too strong, like a hopeless drug addict, and the thought Jesus could be his damnation only made satan angrier. The ignorant priests of Rome are all envious of the devil for having partook of the very kind of Lord’s supper in which they say it is his actual crucified physical human body and blood: in what they call “transubstantiation.” They say that each Lord’s supper is as much his being re-crucified afresh (which puts him to an open shame) as when he hung upon the cross! But Jesus said that he’s taking it NEW WITH US IN HIS KINGDOM: not redoing it! Jesus also took his own body and blood (though he didn’t do surgery on himself and bleed out a vein,) and that shows that this eating and drinking is spiritual, and the bread and wine only become channels to transmit the logos data information as through a phone connection. Since the Lord doesn’t personally NEED anything but a prayer to do the same thing, or he could use a mark to do the same job and same result as bread and wine and an oral partaking of it, this means that God recognizes covenant obedience though we might decide on a new way to take holy communion, and say that a WHOLE MEAL for our physical bodies is made into the LORD’S SUPPER.  But Paul says: 1COR11:22:: What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? 

— So the LORD’S SUPPER must be specialized: WITH BREAD AND GRAPE JUICE! Can one take it alone? It is a leap of faith to take it alone, except for practice and trying to imagine THE CONNECTION with other true believers while you take it. If there’s no sense of connection with other true believers while taking it, it cannot be the Lord’s supper, because Jesus said “2 or more” must gather to have his sacramental presence engaged for us. If your faith can say “we’re on the same planet,” assuming it’s acceptable, we would then need some awareness from a like minded Christian to do the same practice and preferably at the exact same time, such as through video call. We need to believe on the side that every Lord’s supper is genuine unless it’s just taking bread and juice for nourishment:: but we wouldn’t then say any words of consecration to it if our bread and juice wasn’t intended for 1COR11:23-26: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: = And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. =After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. =For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

 To have sensitivity towards the actual divine substances of the Lord’s supper, is a mark of maturity in being a Christian. Once Jesus swallows up all the dross and water from Satan’s mouth, REV12:16, so we don’t believe that which scripture doesn’t support, AND BELIEVE WHAT SCRIPTURE TEACHES then we can start to approach the real truth as being a pearl of great price.