1“Come now & let us reason together,” ISA1:18 is the invitation of God to testify of our faith in his son. Why it takes reasoning, is in order to explain the existence of the son in a manner that defeats all manner of deception.
2The first question is to ask, who was the first created son, & in what manner was the first created son created? Did God create only to create a substandard being, & then to suffer the worst kind of unhappiness with him? If God knew everything satan would do in advance, then surely he knew everything Jesus would do in advance.
3One has to understand fully that God is all powerful & all knowing, and so he did not need to practice or develop in anything. This would mean his first creation would be everything he could ever create, & it would be his best creation he could ever create, & who alone could please him. God did not want to only be pleased with his ELOHIM nature, but wanted to be pleased with a creation also. But God being so limitless, though the universe could be enlarged & multiplied in that enlargement to an incalculable extent, compared to God, it would still be a tiny dot compared to God, & basically the same size. Paul says “GOD IS EXTERNAL,” 1COR15:27, meaning that he will always overextend the boundaries of creation.
4God wanted to create all he could ever create: the first & last son who is all that can exist. God wanted this creation to be something he could not find simply by “searching his deep things.”
5How then is there other creations, if his first creation is all he could ever create? Because they came out of his first creation, & so we would be offspring of that first creation, & as it were chosen in it. EPH1:4.
6The first creation would be an interfacing with God: as much as unlimited infinity is able to duplicate himself in the form of something that has a beginning & “who’s nature is to be begotten by he who’s nature is to beget.” 1JOHN5:1. This would be an unspeakably vast & ultimate creation, more compared to begetting than creating: “BEGOTTEN NOT MADE.” Though begetting is a kind of making but as one begets a son, or daughter, he did not do so as he might create something. This means that this person would be so close to the Father, “even in his very bosom,” JOHN1:18 & the only one fit to be in God’s bosom, “always doing those things that pleased God,” so that God would want to keep him in his bosom forever, as if he were more of a wife, with a womb, as stated in PSALM 110:3.
7Whoever proceeded from this first preeminent son, (CALLED SON OF THE MORNING) would have tremendous authority, even as much so, that “if he would so choose to,” ISA14:12, he could cast out a third of the angels by his tail called in Greek “oorah,” & to destroy the entire universe, & cause terrible havoc in every imaginable way.
8He would be theological in mind, as the highest of beings would be designed for the highest of tasks, so if he chose to corrupt such thoughts to deceive others, it would be with the greatest mental confusion & coupled with the greatest force to make us comply with it. So Babylon means confusion or babble. This would be what many believe to be the Catholic church, which places Mary in the place of Jesus, as the intercessor called Co-Redemptrix & then Jesus pushed all the way up to the top, having place & title of Father & everything “most high” as they say in every mass.
9Yet Jesus said “my Father is greater than I,” & this would mirror PSALM 110:1 which describes 2 LORDS, however the first one is greater than the second one according to the Hebrew. Jesus was constantly known for falling back on scripture, & with comparatively so little written about what Jesus said, it is quite possible Jesus referred to this PSALM110 when claiming a lower status than the Father.
10.10Many scholars who wanted to agree with the Catholic theology were disappointed that it was not speaking of the same Lord or at least showing one equal in power & rank. The doctrine of the TRINITY is in the scripture, but the only place where no development or need for temples or any kind of beginning or creation was necessary for the Trinity to exist, is in the concept of what “ELOHIM” means. Beyond that, there was a very big development & creation process to establish the whole Trinity: because the Trinity needed 2 other temples in order to qualify as “persons.” A “person” means a BODY is included in the equation. JEHOVAH “the existing one” had a body from everlasting called “the gospel of Christ.” This made him a PERSON already, & the gospel is not to be received as a sacrament but a promise we believe in.
11. 11Jesus before he was made flesh, existed as the LOGOS ONLY, & yet could speak to God as a non sentient being though also having a GODHEAD CALLED “GOD THE SON,” who is from everlasting a part of the ELOHIM. God also spoke to him calling him “GOD” because he was in essence talking to himself. The logos would tell God “A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED ME.” This would be when the logos would become a sentient being, knowing he existed. Before that his only awareness was identical & the very same awareness as JEHOVAH THE ELOHIM.
12.12The day that GOD THE SON “took upon himself flesh,” was the day that the logos was first spoken, because logos means “something spoken.” But the logos existed as purely “soul” until the day he was made flesh, which means “a living soul.” PSALM 89:19 SAYS “””Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon [one that is] mighty; I have exalted [one] chosen out of the people.” == This points out that there was no evident to outward observance existence of the SON at that time, but GOD “SPOKE IN HIS VISION ONLY” TO THE SON. The 2 TABLES OF STONE to God represented the crucifixion of his son, & this is why God was so jealous of those 2 tables of law AS IF THEY WERE A LIVING PERSON OF SO HIGH A RANK!!
13. 13Before the logos was made flesh, ROMANS 16:25 tells us “these things were kept secret & revealed only to the prophets & elect angels, BUT NOW are made manifest to the preaching of the gospel, etc.”
14.14DANIEL 10 was one of the few times the logos was manifested, & no one but DANIEL saw him, but the rest felt a terrible quaking & Daniel said when he saw this great sight that “he seemed to lose all his beauty & strength,” because anytime we are compared to Jesus, we perceive how short we are to what he is: who is made so much better than the angels, so that he is not even on the status of an angel, & “one of a kind: the first & last” of his kind.
15.15The logos is always developing because the logos is a living word constantly spoken by the most high God. Jesus was made a little lower than the angels, (though in essence made so much better than the angels,) for the suffering of death. Why this is, is because we must copy his human nature, by practice & prayer for God to work it in us, & because had Jesus died as he did as a glorified angel, or as high as he actually is, “above every name,” it be too much to endure. Because Jesus had to be forsaken of God which is the definition of the second death. This is the death he had to taste for every man. To endure it as a glorified being would have multiplied the effects & agony of LUKE22:44 by many billions of times over, & it was already beyond what Jesus could endure without being strengthened by the angel in LUKE22:43. Had this angel not strengthened Jesus, seeing it was of the GRAVEST NECESSITY that this angel ministered to Jesus, Jesus would have been swallowed up in the force of the pressure that the “vacuum” of having the life God leave him during that time would have created. Jesus experienced an unspeakable agony until his physical death, comparable to being in outer space with no suit. But this doesn’t do justice to what it really was like for him in his soul, & ISAIAH 52:14 says “he was more corruptly disfigured than any man, & they looked stared upon him in pure astonishment.” Some thought it was for the sin of making himself the son of God, because the Jews knew that no man comes straight from God, & so they equated that with being God to come from God, since the 2 are unified & completely inseparable. The separation however Jesus suffered was like no other separation, & though it was for but a “short time God hid his face from him,” it made Jesus pray to God his whole life with strong crying & tears that he would be delivered from it. Finally Jesus said, “the only way I will be delivered from this death is to drink it.” That is what the cup of the Lord’s supper meant to Jesus, & shortly after he drank the cup of his Father’s blood containing the life of his logos identity, he began to fulfill the fact he was already CRUCIFIED FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
16.16It wasn’t necessary for Jesus to receive NO HELP of any kind in his sacrifice: THOUGH IT DIDN’T MAKE IT EASY BUT ONLY POSSIBLE TO ENDURE THE CROSS. What made the sacrifice of Jesus so sufficient is because of who Jesus is: the only begotten son. God could have added many torments to it & even made it longer, but that is not what made it a perfect sacrifice. Also, Satan had shed the blood of a man higher in rank than himself, & this meant that now the blood of Satan had to be shed. GEN9:6. This “blood” means the anointing, or that is presence of God, without which is only the second death.
17. 17In fact it was harder for Jesus to accept help than had he said “I will do this by myself purging all sin,” & so took that mandate to “by himself purge our sins,” to mean to get no help of any kind. It was still “by himself,” because part of being holy is to submit to & to accept help from others. It could not be “more blessed to give” if there was no recipients. What if God said “I don’t need anyone’s praise, because I am FEARFUL IN PRAISES DOING WONDERS all by myself!?” Then no one could have the blessedness of “giving God thanks & praise.”
18.18Jesus therefore accepted the carrying of his cross, as little help as it was, & did not fear it would detract from the effectiveness of his sacrifice: because humility to do God’s work is never a sin. Jesus refused however to take the moisture on the sponge because it had a mild pain killer in it, & it was no help to God or anyone to do so. He accepted the ministry of the angel, while he was “made a little lower than him, for the suffering of death.” Jesus accepted the costly oil poured on his feet, because we would not have the joy of “ministering to the Lord” if he did not accept our “stick man drawings & primitive attempts.”
19.19Jesus prayed “Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” excusing our sinful insanity by saying “we know not what we do,” & laying open the door for a greater love by us of God by praying “forgive them;” because Jesus said, “they who are forgiven much, love much.” We show our forgiveness from God & the degree of it, according to how much we love God & others. WHEN WE DO NOT LOVE OTHERS OR DO SO SLIGHTLY WE ARE SAYING “I AM HARDLY EVEN FORGIVEN BY GOD: JUST LOOK HOW LITTLE I LOVE YOU!” No one could endure the cross as Jesus did, because we all endure our crosses by God’s indwelling presence, but if we had all that presence taken away, we would then suddenly know how much God is with us, but we did not recognize him. Why is there a lake of fire caused by the REMOVAL OF GOD from us? The same reason why when hydrogen & oxygen are separated, there is a combustable element able to create a fire.