MEANING OF THE USA_FLAG ACCORDING MY OWN BELIEF IN IT: AS IT IS SYMBOLIC OF THE BURIAL CLOTH & THE STRIPES & WOUNDS OF JESUS & THE "STARS" HE HOLDS. - America was started by the faith the non conformist ministers, though they did not consciously think of this nation as the outcome of it, but that was the butterfly effect that started this nation, such the faith of Joseph Alleine who wrote alarm to the unconverted.
We when we sin, it too plunges us into a darkness which makes us only lust after the material & which makes us seek our comfort in pharmaceutical remedies, which are called sorcery. Instead of taking harmful substances we ought to preserve our health, as Jesus wasn't over or under weight either: THE SHROUD REVEALS JESUS’S BODY WAS A PERFECT SACRIFICE WITHOUT BLEMISH OR ANY ABNORMALITY. We should pray for all our desires & lusts of the soul which is the "worm that dies not," find attraction only in God & the things of God. God must be the controlling power of all our desires & our only desire must be to please God: WHICH MUST BE THE BRUNT OF OUR PRAYERS. Daniel was a man greatly beloved of God but compared to God's love to Jesus, it made all his own worthiness seem ugly by comparison & retaining no strength. DAN10:8. Daniel said his comeliness turned into corruption & he retained no strength, but in reality he remained the same, but it is as when the sun rises the stars lose their shine because they are overpowered. This is why “CHRIST IN US IS THE HOPE OF GLORY.” COL1:27, Because then we will not go dim in his presence BUT BEAR IN US HIS MARKS & HIS BEAUTIES WHEN WE MEET GOD. On the USA flag the sun who is Jesus is risen & shining because it is BLUE SKY, however the stars are not obscured, because Christ the hope of glory is in them. The stripes of Jesus are the stripes on the USA flag, which are said to be the 13 colonies, because “they bear in their bodies the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Gal 6:17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus: THIS IS HOW JESUS SAVES US FROM OUR SINS, BY BEING MADE SIN FOR US BUT A SIN WHICH KNOWS NO SIN. This is a “great mystery” Paul says, which he says he “Speaks of regarding Christ & the church,” even as the first Adam partook of the same sins of Eve, the second Adam Jesus, took our sins into his own body on the cross. In reality the early nation wasn’t so noble as to be so observant & adherent to scripture truths, & in so many sinful ways as history shamefully tells us, however theology tells us to see symbolism in things whether it was originally intended to mean that or not. The USA flag seems to be a summary description of eternal salvation through redemption of our souls from sin, whether that is only how I see it or not.