_____ My church "idea" that lights the filament of my mind is that we need a holy ground to go to, in which is only based on scripture, but the interpretation of which is not forced or coerced on anyone, or if anyone doesn't see things the same way, that they are not made to feel inferior in so many ways or even downright lost. The idea of a commune or any such family or close living group is to me a good idea, but it is usually run by someone who must control everything: sometimes not even allowing people time to go home (or to their private place) & pray & seek God for themselves. We have to make Jesus & God our savior ALWAYS, even when we're listening to a pastor & in a joint prayer session. No one can be our "savior" except Jesus & God who sent him, & we cannot do that except when we are actively endeavoring to make the scriptures our covenant/contract with God. We cannot freely serve God & serve doctrines of devils. The idea of needing communal life to be split between male & female (calling it either convent or monastery) is from idea of "forbidding to marry & commanding to abstain from meats," as Paul says. He who marries has not sinned, except it says to not be unequally yoked, or marry one you know is not up to speed on salvation, so that marriage has to come through the ministry you are in at the time. The idea of virginity or being not defiled with women (meaning either man or woman in sex) is a spiritual connotation referring to being reserved spiritually for marriage to Jesus as what Paul calls a "chaste virgin," & not letting the daily impurities of sin in general regardless of how they come, to "defile" you. The 144000 virgins (REV14) are not literal virgins or a literal number, but the number refers to being connected to the HOLY JERUSALEM, which is called the "bride of the Lamb," because just as earth is the substance of our bodies, that GREAT CRYSTAL CITY is the substance of our new souls as the many membered body called the BRIDE OF JESUS. His book is called "the LAMB'S book of life," because those who get written in it have been "learned of Jesus to become like him: meek & lowly in heart, & have found (eternal) rest for their souls" thereby. 

______  These verses "house of prayer for all people" carries with it the presumption that that "house or camp or church" or whatever you want to call it or what best describes it, has in it (& the people's intentions who enter it) the freedom & purpose to find God in the closest & most heavenly way that God can accomplish while we are yet sinners on earth, waiting for God to complete his good work in us. Many people do not have such a concept but just feel compelled to stay close to some highly active & religious spiritual organization, even though they don't yet have a concept fully generated as to what is the "high calling" Jesus Christ is leading us to as sons of God. Then there are some who may find hanging around with the communal church as just as easier way of life, however they would have to be bombarded with the rhetoric which comes from it, which might disturb the delusions satan has given them & make them suffer compunction for their sins. 

---_____ It's not enough to supply a little time each week to allow sinners to come & then off they go to become tangled with the cares of the world all over again. A sinner who gets saved at the altar, if he leaves the church after the service, could become unsaved & never get saved or repent again! God calls churches that "abort" their fetuses "harlots" (REV17:5) because Paul says that woman (the church) is saved (all the way to the pearly gates) in child bearing, or in other words raising those who get saved at the altar call. One also has to understand the nature of salvation, "what it is & what it is not" as Joseph Alleine describes in his book ALARM TO THE UNCONVERTED, & there is also an even more extensive & more precise explanation that can be arrived at also. 

______A "HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE" must be a hospital for sin, because sin is worse in some regards to any other kind of injury because if you die in it, it could very likely cause damnation. God says "I will punish you for your sins," to those only people he knows. But to those who don't know God, he will not punish them in this life, but they will get their punishment upon death only. This life is full of troubles, but it is not punishment for sin, "for time & chance happens to them all." God's chastening is by definition a punishment, but it is "less than what our sins deserve," but it is in a sense "double for all our sins." Divine chastening is very distasteful to people because it can be indistinguishable from having the sense of being condemned. Paul says "it is a small thing that others judge me: but I do not even judge my own self." No one has the right to judge but God, except in matters God empowers us to, like judge right from wrong in those areas we have enlightenment & understanding to do so. The word marriage in Greek is gamos, so it is like a game, but one who's stakes are very high, especially when it is that marriage of Christ & his church. Until one knows the end of the game, we can't call it. Jesus is the game changer who will reveal soon enough who is really on his side, & who isn't. What his eyes sees in anyone of us, that is what will either make or break us. If we do not roll upon or fall upon him, WHICH WILL BREAK US, (PSALM51:17) he will do so to us, WHICH GRIND US TO POWDER!

MATTHEW 21:44:::: And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.


Father Jehovah, you're my ability to love & the life of my blood; LEV17:11: for without you is eternal death. What else can happen if you remove yourself from us but A LAKE OF FIRE containing "brimstone" which is called in Greek "thion" which is a divine incense? ** Yet this removal of your presence cannot TRULY be such, since you cannot be separated from yourself in any spot or way whatsoever! This removal of your presence can only be described as the "death Jesus tasted for every man," yet Paul says "you God were & are in Christ reconciling the world unto yourself." Even in our greatest moments of doubt, feelings of failure & eternal desertion from you, can be our moments of greatest closeness to you, because when we draw nigh to you, no matter how close we get or how big we get or holy or any other quality or regenerate we become, compared to THE UNLIMITED NATURE OF YOUR BEING, we are ALWAYS EQUALLY UNABLE TO REACH YOUR UNLIMITED BOUNDARIES. If a drop of true holiness becomes an ocean of it, OR MANY UNIVERSES OF IT, then how much closer is that to becoming the immeasurable size that you are? It is only when you comfort us in your reassurance that we are yours, that we can find any comfort. It's true the lost & those cut off from you have a comfort but it is from the anointed cherub: you even say in REVELATION that you give your water of life FREELY, which is the Greek word "dorean" meaning in vain or without a cause. * * G1432 δωρεάν dorean do–reh–an’ 

–freely 6, without a cause 1, in vain 1, for nought 1; 9

Could this be the reason why Jesus said that so many great anointed persons would boast of their many wonderful works, saying "LORD LORD I DID MANY WONDERFUL WORKS," yet Jesus will say "DEPART FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU: YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY!" Could it be that this water of life is so EASY TO COME BY, it says in the definition, "GIVEN IN VAIN & FOR NOUGHT!!!" How could something so HOLY be so easy for every hypocrite professor to get so "freely?" The "thirst" of those in hell will be the thirst for this water of life,as Jesus said on the cross, "I THIRST." 

_____ It is truly sad that the among the MOST HOPEFUL of all verses can be also turned around & become the most ensnaring: making us to judge our salvation by our anointing which Jesus called the leaven of the scribes & pharisees. Don't let our righteousness be only to avoid offending one another, but let it be to be delivered from the greatest evil of sinning against you! PSALM 51:4! If you did not consider sin against yourself then we would be free to sin without any hinderance to it whatsoever. It is only the sacrifice of Jesus which has delivered us from our sins, & enacted the only fitting punishment for sin which is eternal burning. It is truly a dilemma sometimes to wonder how much anointing I have received so far which was without a cause, because I used it to only puff myself up & to justify some deceitful way of thinking. It is such a hard thing sometimes Lord Jehovah, to think of all the ways I could have gone astray in my life until now. But your mercies are always new, & you have said it is your will to sanctify us. Our sin is that we have made all these things into something so slight, that now to speak of them conjures up only contempt in the hearts of sinners, because no one has seen any proofs from your majestic presence for so long!

___ It's all about pleasing you & you say that you even save us for YOUR SAKE EZEKIEL 36:32, because you say, "as I live, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his ways & live. Turn you turn you from your evil ways for why will you die Oh house of Israel?" EZ33:11. I confess my known sins to you, as JAMES commands us, BUT I acknowledge by faith in your word JER 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things & desperately wicked: who can know it? Also because you say, in ECCLESIASTICUS 9:10 "whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might," I put all my effort & skill into confessing my sins, as JOSEPH ALLEINE says in ALARM TO THE UNCONVERTED in chapter 6: section 16. That if something is worthy to be said in a corner, let it be said upon the housetops as Jesus said. That we cannot speak a word in secret but Solomon says a bird will go tell the matter. 

_God, make me one with & fully receiving of your only genetic son Jesus Christ -JOHN17:21-23, so the true GENESIS of the NEW HEAVENS & EARTH, Jesus Christ, may begin in me which is your good work. Also do whatever chastening & rebuking is necessary to save me, accordingly as you love me, REV3:19, since Paul the Apostle said that you "will all men to be saved & come to the knowledge of the truth." 1TIM2:4. But if I don't have the desire or intentions to be so, HOW will it be done? Entreat me not to leave you, but bless me to make me WISE unto salvation! Make this be that "MEAT in your house" MAL3:10 that Jesus ate though we did not know of it. But now reveal it ALL to us according to your commandment. ROM16:26. 

___ Father Jehovah, make all references to "God" in this world, in their many forms, regardless of what any person thinks is your proper name, or thinks who exactly you are be done with a broken & contrite heart which you will not despise. Let us live out our lives according to what your love is: consisting of 9 specific fruits, (so that one fruit cannot exist & flourish without the other,) & which as a whole is a divine organism which behaves according to 1CORINTHIANS 13 describes your love to be. That if we do not care about the souls of one another & needs of our bodies, that we have missed the mark which DIVINE AGAPE aims at. Paul states that to not have this LOVE which is actually YOU God, makes our whole lives a big zero as far as any eternal value & satisfaction is concerned. But because it is so far beyond our nature to be love powered persons, & so easy to forget to be filled with & function by your love, you have made a covenant with us through the writing of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, that "whosoever stays in that word, then they are the students of Jesus indeed." That if we recite the word & hear with our physical ears, then you will create in us a spiritual ear capable of hearing your OWN words of your very mouth. But because it is of the highest form of language foreign to us, you will also give us the understanding of it if we "pray also that we may interpret what we hear you say & what we speak in tongues." Help us to "hide your word in our hearts that we might not sin against you." The spirit is willing but our flesh, our inner hearts which are desperately wicked & deceitful above all things is weak." If our hearts be not changed, we will go astray. But because it takes a real transformation which is not always immediate, let the "immediate" part be that we lay hold of eternal life through your word, & not fail to "keep" it, meaning to never let it lay in the ground like "the ostriches leave their eggs in the earth, forgetting that a foot might crush them." *

____ WHAT IS THE CONCLUSION TO THIS ENDLESS PRAYER WHICH CAN BE ENDLESSLY MODIFIED & EXPOUNDED UPON? ::::: It is the need to be loving like you are loving Father. Jesus said we must be "perfect even as my Father is perfect," which seems to be a tall order except it is referring to a BAPTISM or "overwhelming" of your HOLY SPIRIT in which we are as it were "possessed" by him, but not as an unwilling but willing captive: which is increased by what is called "prayer without ceasing." Your attributes of divine agape Father are all so noble & spell binding to read about, that to not desire to be "partaker of your divine nature" is a sin which one might think is the worst of all sins! To not desire to become utterly possessed by & filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, making our "cup run over" so that the world may partake in our blessings, is the core of all sin. But you have made things like "desire, love, mercy," etc be of 2 different sorts: saving or selfish. If we love our neighbor with the same selfish love we love ourselves with, then it will not fulfill the law, however if we love one another with the same love by which we are being saved, & comfort one another with the same comfort with which we are comforted, then this fulfills the law, because it is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead: who is the very law incarnate. 

_____ Only Jesus could fulfill your law Father because the law is a description of Jesus alone, as your "only genetic son." Only he had no other God but you before you, but all we must say to Jesus, "my Lord & my God." Only he did all the commandments perfectly because he was conceived already by the divine seed of those commandments which seed remained in him & he therefore could not sin. These commandments Father, if analyzed in the wording of them, say, "you shall not sin: not have any other god before God, etc," but they do not say "do not have any other god before me." They do not command us but REASSURE us of what YOU WILL DO. You have said "we shall fulfill all these commandments perfectly," because it is your own determination that we will do so. But will this ever be done without obeying you in those areas & ways we are able to & expected to do so? Some might say, "if it's all by grace, & not works, then I don't want to offend God by trying to resist sin too much & be too works righteous!" But being by grace doesn't mean "sin so that grace may abound," but it means unless you take us by our hands & bless our works by your grace, none of it can avail any benefit whatsoever! Esau who is symbolic of any presumptous sinner who became cut off because they thought they could just decide to repent any time they wanted, is an example of those who have thought "salvation by grace alone" meant that to try & be "perfect" as Jesus commanded meant to obstruct God's grace from having his perfect work. 


____ Yet ISAIAH 64:6. calls even our finest works pure weakness, even "filthy rags" which are compared to menstrual cloths because self serving works do nothing but waste the blood God gives to otherwise produce in us the "man child" Jesus. Paul says he "travails in birth for us until Christ be formed in us, who is our hope of glory." 2COR12:9 says that God's grace can use "thorns in the flesh" to produce a perfection of grace in us. Jesus mentioned the "pearl of great price" & how that the gates of heaven are like giant pearls. Pearls are produced by some irritation in the clam from some wayward food particle. In us, that food particle is the word of God which we cannot readily digest. Sometimes the word of God is not meant to be readily understood. God commands us to READ & HEAR & KEEP THE WORDS OF REVELATION, but he doesn't command us to readily understand it or give us a reason for it, the same way that Elisha didn't give a reason for dipping seven times in the Jordan river. We say as Naaman did, "surely I thought God would give us a different & easier word than this deep book to labor to keep everyday, especially when no one else wants to with me." Sometimes we think we know the calendar is correct or if it is, then God has to abide by it as to the events of these end times. However we don't recognize WHAT TIME IS: it is the events of God. It is God moving in our midst, who has no one over him & no one telling him "what doest thou?" There is no such thing as time but only the hand of God creating things that happen. Time is really the present, & so whatever happens it is always the present. There can be a reconstruction of some event to make it seem like time travel, but none of the persons in it are presently experiencing it. When Jesus said "when I was hungry, or thirsty or naked or in prison," he means when those things are really actually being felt & experienced by those people, otherwise Jesus is not in that situation anymore. Sin is really "missing the mark," meaning to miss our opportunity for doing good: to miss our chance at showing Jesus any love for him, at least in that particular situation. Let's hope & pray we have not only the opportunity but ability to prove our love for Jesus.

** G2303 θεῖον theion thi’–on --- in its original sense of flashing. 1) brimstone. 1a) divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off disease

*JOB 39::::: 13Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? 14Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust, 15And forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them. 16She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers: her labour is in vain without fear; 17Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding. 18What time she lifteth up herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider.

REVELATION 22:17. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

* G1432 δωρεάν dorean do–reh–an’ 

–freely 6, without a cause 1, in vain 1, for nought 1; 9