.1 always put prayer to Jehovah first, as the mover of all progress 

2 have your eye on the needs of the people & how the world all ties in with it.

3 pray to be humble enough to confess all sins freely as true “transparency.”

4 will show mercy to all poor sick & "huddled masses" & will make illegal GMO & "overly" unhealthy food to make ALL FOOD people friendly.

5 promote the new Jerusalem as our ideal home & it's many mansions scattered throughout the new universe that is coming: AS TO HOW IT RELATES TO US IN LIFE NOW. This can potentially give us ideas of new inventions, & to promote all shelved inventions to pay off the national debt. 

6 support TikTok etc videos and information on website is to promote free speech & to start promoting the general campaign to protect the earth, & share the concept of saving the earth. 

■■■■■■■■■ “GOD IS IN CONTROL, (even of elections) === NOT SATAN!!!”


AMENDMENT 1:: make immigration laws in favor of the petitioner not immigrants! by starting to encourage all families to produce children instead of migrating them. Call a fetus a real SOUL THAT WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE AT BEING A HUMAN. 

7 Get justice for nursing homes, & all people IN GENERAL,  but especially those who are institutionally abused, neglected, & PERSECUTED. To ask the church to do her duty in cultivating the gospel of peace, according to the true definition of the actual love of Jesus & obedience to his commandments. With great urgency to intercept all their injustices wherever possible, & to encourage all believers to intercession & the employment of their fellow-servants to be guardians to the whole world & for God's image to invoke the angels to value humanity as insurmountable precious in regards beyond all possible trace of our ability to fathom it or to understand it.

8  In general to clean up the earth, like getting rid of the plastic islands in the oceans; & transition people to bring own containers etc. 

9 Consider each person as important & do something for each & every person. As a politician or holding any office the Lord empowers me to have, to make sure I meditate daily on how I can better help each person in the USA more personally: but knowing we are all connected globally. 

10 Insulate the grid & every electronic product from EMP attacks. Make our country impervious to superficial assaults from malignant enemies, & MAKE OUR COUNTRY SELF SUFFICIENT.  & to study how to better America in every possible regards. 

11 More compassion for homeless & struggling people & the rebuilding or replacing of all dilapidated buildings big or small, & the renovation of all inventions, without needing to bend & stoop to those who are already full of unfair revenues: as Mary prays, "to send them away empty," if the huge fortune they unjustly amassed isn't good enough.  

12 to always be open for suggestions & direction from those around me & hear the requests of the people at all times.

13 PROTECT AGAINST ALL POSSIBLE FUTURE FAILURES IN ANY OPERATING SYSTEM, even on personal soul levels, by treating people as “important” even on a soul level. 

14 gather all major inventions (research & call for them to be presented) which have not been made, BUT WHICH CAN BE DONE, & use them to improve our lives & get out of national debt & the federal reserve bank. & back on the gold standard, as well as invite any expert of economy to create a better form of gold standard & form of trade & currency. 

15 create programs to intake all unknown inventors & make a full permanent list & account of all inventions that are interconnecting to make an ever improving grid of growing innovation.

16  make a “US inheritance fund” after national debt is paid off & we're off the federal reserve bank. to make sales tax the only tax, & something that can't be avoided by the rich or clever thieves or scammers.

17 focus on security & screening immigrants, & national defense & morral among the soldiers & military,  to assure them there will no devaluing of their lives by unnecessary wars, or owning of them as property like slaves, or use of them in experiments, or stripping them of basic american constitutional rights & privileges but show respect.

18  develop all supplements to be as available & high quality as possible, & to the entire US, & to reward & promote great companies like bulk supplements etc who help so many people. Work towards prevention & naturopathy etc: & medical industry also, but NOT to be the only trustworthy kind of health care. Make doctors keep their oaths if good ones like Hippocratise, & make the goal be that people are healthy enough to primarily need repairing like cuts & breaks & (if possible) that we’d have less disease caused by the unhealthy lifestyles & food suppliers & overly trusted supplements many of which are even worthless or worse to use than to not at all.

19 support & exalt the US constitution in every way possible at all times.  fulfill the oath of office as if God is watching & holding us all accountable & expecting us to do what we say we'll do: as if God is preparing us to take the blood we pledged, & that it's far worse to vow or make an oath but not pay!!!

20 work towards preservation & support for all areas of wilderness & wild life. prepare all wilderness for protection from wildfire, & all & any betterment of our national parks. & a settlement to all native people the land of their ancestors, for them to inherit as their rightful domain on the earth. 

21 protect & defend all babies born or unborn & all helpless or struggling people.

22 support freedom of speech & expression & religion & all non criminal ways of life. though it be otherwise sinful.

23 make as parks everywhere as much as possible for people to relax with swimming pools & gyms, & to accommodate homeless people and families & enact laws to make them as safe & comfortable as possible.  & to encourage hospitality everywhere possible.

24 to be as thrifty as possible in all unnecessary purchases, & to run a tight ship, but not to be cheap where money is needed for the good of the country. 

25 to bring all Christian principles that Jesus teaches with me into any office or place. To believe in apologizing rather than invincibility. To give to those who ask, primarily the American people as to any way I can serve, but to not forget the main prince of the kings of the earth who can elected anyone he chooses: & giving to JESUS who asks of me. Not waiting for it to be a commandment but to obey requests knowing they hinge on a real commandment: turn not away from those who ask of you.

26 to lay all my beliefs & endeavors, aspirations & dreams etc all on the table as well as all my unworthiness in confessions.

27 to hold at least one solemn day of fasting per year for the nation.

28 to be straightforward when speaking the mind of righteous Americans to tell all what they should be hearing about themselves & to help vent the mind of God along with all God fearing citizens all over the planet. Knowing that “righteousness exalts the nation” -not sin. & silence towards warning the wicked makes their blood “required at our hands.” To be the voice & text that the people want & need: to speak with in government or nation or in church, & pray for people before they can pray for themselves. 


30 to not let immorality happen in prisons, to protect prisoners within the confines of their punishment, & make penitential prayer materials & BIBLES to all prisoners available & a conducive environment to make use of it. 

31 protect & make restitution to all Indians & all oppressed people (which include all races) & acknowledge all past injustices to their ancestors to guard & enforce any backsliding into it, & make restitution to their ancestors by paying it to their descendants. To guard the general USA   from all corrupt programs that seek to make prison camps for unjust purposes, or any most subtle forms of sliding into such a condition.  

32 protect against all birth defects & to make healthy & wholesale products more rigorous, organic  pure & overall high quality in all standards & AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE IN EVER INCREASING LEVELS OF INNOVATION

33 implement all possible remedies with Freedom to take or refuse, both medical & natural & harmless trying of different medicine herbal remedies & reasonable trying medical vaccinations when proven or presumably safe when weighed against other risks to reach the best conclusions, & in agreement with the people. ---- to take the war out of drugs, whenever possible to regulate abuse through other programs.

34 to make everyday “a good day” as much as possible in helping people & doing good & giving gifts, if it’s reasonable to do. 

35 to GET JUSTICE for all the firefighters who died at 9.11.1, & JUSTICE for JFK, & JUSTICE for all the Indians & oppressed & wronged & enslaved people (including all modern day slavery) whose deaths were swept under the rug because they died as part of the agenda of secret societies & governmental false flag operations, & atomic bomb testing.

36 not act like my life should be more precious as a politician or minister etc than the average soldier or first responder who doesn't think twice about putting his life in harm's way to save the life of one average & unknown American citizen. 

37  trust God for the successful outcome of all my investigations & endeavors to fulfill all promises to God & man to not have a proud attitude about it. 

38 pride should be treated like a power that needs a proper focus & use, & humility should also be so the great power of good can take over. 

39  review all promises regularly & determine how best to fulfill & renovate each promise & how far I am in doing it.

40 to keep USA home sweet home & also of all technology,  & not let any other country beat us to any progress of whether it be moon exploration or any such thing that we are able to do.

41 to expose all secret societies & secret operations which are hurting the world in any way.

42 to preserve all parks physical or intellectual such as libraries or national wildlife parks. & especially the constitution & bill of rights not only in letter but practice.

43 to make schooling easier & for basic no frills schooling be available to everyone, & to protect children against bullies & other Needless stresses.

44 to reform prisons to help prisoners repent if they desire, (though not to cancel their sentence if fair & accurate) & to cut costs without cutting out on benefits such as protection from other violent inmates.

45 to protect our sources of nutrition & gives favor to natural supplement companies to make the best but cheapest products possible.

46 to give incentives to companies to clean up the environment, & to reuse waste for building & other products. make cheap houses that float & are fireproof & yet very livable. 

47 to make it easy for people to buy exercise equipment & to make having a pool available to all people & built in houses & apartments very standard.

48  to encourage all people to be as loving to each other as possible (without making it a law to be loving & giving to others as they would in communism) but to enforce the law in the civil matters of all the general crimes & to be very diligent & exact in prosecuting all crime without taking bribes, or favoring secret societies who might try to reward us with their “blessings.” 

49 to treat all Americans like Paul meant when he said he's a Roman: to recognize the “equal rights” the creator endowed us with in all people, & treat all lawful immigrants like the original plaque at the statue of liberty says to be a refuge for them. 

50 extend American rights to the world as the general wishes of all well intentioned people. To make the lives of all people on the planet (if possible at least prayer) precious & the best it can be. To promote the constitution in as much an ideal light as possible to make many in the world want to be “honorary citizens,” though without any outward change to their lives otherwise: as if the concept of “being an American” were so noble in the eyes of God & man that it had it’s own reward in spirit only, but admitting this would require a lot of repentance & renovation.